University of California, Davis ASUCD Senate Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:00 pm, Mee Room


Vice President Carnes called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.


Present: Carnes, Savaree-Ruess, Amaha, Deepak, Fluet, Frick, Friedman, Harris, Molnar, Peake, Rosas-Romero, Xie, Zamora, Markevich, Bianchi (B&F), Khan, Lay, Cokely (GASC) Late: Rivera Absent: Holloway, Ajlouny

Carnes read statement on behalf of Senator Ajlouny.


Amaha all passed legislation has been signed by the president.


SB 52: Authored by Ostrowski, Introduced by Molnar. An ASUCD Senate Bill to add the Pledge of Allegiance to the agenda of the ASUCD Senate.

Amaha motion to move into presentations.


Drake Martinet (Campus Media Board) Asked to read statement on behalf of the board about SB #47, and then I would like to say something of my own and answer any questions [read statement].

I’m not a voting member on the board. The board includes students, commission reps, faculty… 12-13 members. At beginning of every year they hire and fire media managers (including me) and have the power to hear all complaints/concerns. As GM of KDVS, this legislation doesn’t apply to us that directly because we don’t offer endorsements. I feel strongly enough about this to appear before you nonetheless. Early last year there was a recommendation by the university passed through media board saying Aggie is very critical of the university and should write more positive articles. Board took this into consideration and decided that the university has its own publicity section, aggie/kdvs is not in business of providing that face. We’re media orgs and take first amendment very seriously. I don’t feel future managers will be less scrupulous to circumvent the current policies. It behooves media managers for ext reasons to abide by these policies. Set of journalistic ethics require impartiality and fairness. It’s not in aggie’s nor kdvs’ interest to become transparently biased. Kdvs doesn’t even offer endorsements, and my feeling that because we receive money from you we can’t endorse any of you, and we provide info about all of you. However, individuals can provide their own endorsements, not on behalf of all of kdvs. We abide by fairness doctrine, set of codes that for any political purpose under our license must offer equal time for all sides of an argument. No longer obligated, but we take the reasons behind this very seriously, imparted into any core staff member at kdvs. Anyone with influence in the org takes this seriously. We will keep doing this without the statute. In my opinion this bill is misinformed about our org and the aggie, and I think it’s very dangerous.

Peake thank you for coming here tonight. What you’ve said is one hundred percent correct, inappropriate for senate to tell our media org does. I hope it fails in commission or the authors choose to withdraw.

Martinet I’ve also been asked by aggie and kdvs to reiterate that the process of asking you all to come down to kdvs is as much for us as it is for you. We want to know all of the people who will be leading on this campus, even if you only believe in selfishness we will continue to do this. The offers always made to everyone to come to kdvs and the aggie, we go above and beyond to make exceptions if someone’s schedule doesn’t permit for us. I can speak for KDVS that we’re always delighted to have someone who lives above ground to come see us.

Ostrowski the author had no intention of regulating the speech or freedom of aggie/kdvs, just trying to correct typos and in no way wanted to limit your freedom. Seems that bylaws now imply the AS papers require the unbiased interviews, seems like kdvs and aggie were overlooked. When tabled suggested author goes to media to discuss the issues, to those who haven’t seen it the meaning behind it was meaning to clear up vagueness. Has any employee of kdvs spoken to Joseph concerning this issue?

Martinet I felt it more appropriate to talk to the senate first, if he wishes to speak to me my door is open. Additionally I’d offer if you read the bill it contradicts itself twice, and it really does change the intent of the original bylaws.

Savaree-Ruess when is the next media board meeting?

Martinet February 26. Please show up, usually candy on the table.

Vice President Carnes not meaning to cut off dialogue, please bring anything up during public discussion.

Amaha motion resume orders of the day.


Ostrowski Joseph has worked with me on AS papers, discussing all those sorts of things, not in his character or history to impose some speech code on anyone. Not sure of wording of this bill, he may later withdraw it, but just brief conversations about vagueness of his intent, seems he wants to clear up some kind of typo. Only two parts of bylaws referencing AS papers, just wanted to fix that. If you have big deal about this, go to IAC and see him decide what he wants to do with that.

Friedman would like to ask if anyone interested in pledging money for pro-unitrans campaign. Envelope here, if you said you’d do it last week be great if you do it now.

Powers in regards to Ostrowski’s comments, in IAC we had a long full discussion about this bill, definitely reason for pulling it. Urged the author to reconsider it, felt his opinion on the matter was speaking on behalf of author. Just want you to know IAC did look at this closely.

Mikalonis on IAC bill one thing is do we even have jurisdiction over this? Communication is important... Current total 3,085 casualties since beginning of conflict in Iraq [read names of casualties].

Rivera on my pro/con statement made error, change should be five percent. Disregard the pro/con statement please.

Lay project compost on Monday, Derek gave presentation on bio-gas project by professor Ruhan-Jong world leader in this project. Like a composting project, composts more physical waste, creates fuel, project here has enough power to power eighty homes. Able to take tours of this project, encourage you to check it out if you’re interested.

Carnes working on ASUCD newsletter, going to pass these two around to see the improvements that have been made so far. Any suggestions of anything let me know. Oh, these are rough drafts so please just give feedback.

Zamora move into public announcements.


Regan update, last weekend organized an effort to get a lot of clothes for homeless, got full truck load. About cool visibility event to promote us, fell through, admin wasn’t really down with what we were doing. Also had really great event on oceans campaign on Monday, got over 216 postcards into state legislator to make sure plastics produced now are biodegradable. Going to organize a really phat beach clean up for this Saturday. About 35 students from this campus to pick up garbage. Also pledge drive is next week, going to be really really down to the wire. Hoping to ask if people here could help us pledge for a few hours throughout the week. Different hour signups here, will call and tell you where to meet up etc. This is really really important, trying to squeeze every hour from people. Nine people are doing over thirty hours next week.

Lay which beach do you plan on cleaning?

Regan going to Santa Cruz with three other CalPIRG chapters, we’re sending most people. Going to be local Santa Cruz media, told aggie about it. I think everyone is planning on surfing afterwards.

Gray can we contribute hours even if we didn’t make the training?

Regan yes you can, we just have a forty second rap to memorize, don’t have to do training it just helps. Also many pledge cards in office, just come by and grab some to get your friends pledged.

Rosas-Romero do you want to talk about the one you’re doing with the campout?

Vice President Carnes out of time, we can come back.

Fluet Rec pool hiring life guards and cashiers. If your certification isn’t current, they will recertify you in the spring. If you can’t swim, be a cashier.

Bianchi last week Greek community raised five hundred for cal aggie camp, hopefully will raise much more spring quarter.

Pham I work in the exec office as special project coordinator, next week is senate forum, perfect opportunity to talk about goals/accomplishments as senators and great chance to reach out to people you wanted to help when you were running as candidates. Next week Feb 7 in coffee house, 7-9.

Cokely female orgasm is in chem. 194 next Thursday. Definitely going to be at capacity, if you plan on going be sure to get there early. Also to senators I have people to be confirmed that have class at 7.

Amaha first day of black history month. End of month will be sit-in, lot of events going on all month.

Rosas-Romero remind anyone in L&S that dates to apply for graduation start today til April 11, so don’t forget.

Friedman deadline of pass/no pass registration is next week, FYI.

Katie Johnson used to be AAC commissioner last year, now work at capital with capital fellows program. If you’re interested in a fellowship, come see me before you leave and I’ll give you a flier or a DVD.


Amaha motion to confirm any members of textbook affordability committee.

John McMahan, Ron Paine, Annie Shen

Amaha all three people had a lot of good ideas, very enthusiastic.

Xie what got you interested in this committee, what do you plan on doing while you’re on it?

Shen all students here and all buy books, want to save money because we’re already paying for other things. This will affect me and all of you, that’s why I want on this committee.

Paine I wholeheartedly agree, spend way too much on textbooks. I’m in social sciences, have friends in hard sciences who pay even more.

McMahan kind of bored, plus what they said.

Friedman any particular ideas you have to lower textbook prices, or ways to get involved?

McMahan just looking into researching what other programs have been done and try to implement those on campus.

Paine good answer, in addition like to look at what we did in past. What worked/didn’t, try to evaluate our tactics.

Shen looking online, lot of other universities have programs to talk to publishers to get cheaper textbooks, one specific problem with bundling. Being freshman to buy chem 2a packet and don’t even use half of the stuff. All my classmates haven’t used the extra materials either. Would want to look into not requiring the entire packets. Also talk to teachers and bookstore to look into other options.

Mikalonis any of you involved with CalPIRG and their efforts to reduce prices?

Paine I took a picture of people in student debt stockades from CalPIRG’s thing this morning. So I guess I sorta am.


Amaha motion to confirm any members/alternates of GASC.

Garcia, Thomas, Grino, Sy, Bertaut

Zamora do you have any previous experience you believe you can use to help contribute to GASC?

Garcia I have experience in research and work in a lab, lot of my background from medicine. Think I contribute that, also volunteered at student clinic. Know some of those resources, etc.

Bertaut girl scouts for several yrs, worked in leadership teamwork etc. I worked at starbucks, community service, like to work with people. Hopefully working with people to send knowledge out.

Sy working at coffee house, currently unitrans, coordinator at srrc so I see/talk to a bajillion people. Main key educating and outreaching to the community.

Grino hope to contribute lot of things, been involved in LGBT community hometown and here. Like to see awareness of other perspectives in world and what they think of sexuality, hope to see a workshop to help increase awareness of other perspectives in the world.

Thomas hope to contribute putting on events, big part of commission is to get people aware, etc. Was social chair and student government day in Huntington Beach, feel I can contribute to similar events.

Peake how would you outreach to students, especially Christian and Greek community to get people to these events?

Sy know easy catch phrases like “best sex ever” catches people. Jewish week rabbi coming to talk about sex, really hard for science/math majors not knowing about ASUCD, take extra effort to table and talk to those people about being comfortable talking about sex, etc.

Thomas Greek community thinking of going to meetings and giving presentation about sexual health. Possibly go to Christian meetings, like idea of using rabbi etc. Feel like there are ways.

Garcia coming from conservative background, I believe we could find other ways to reach out to those not as interested in GASC’s programs. Also why to join group like this was that I myself wasn’t receiving information, hoping I could use other resources to get the info out.

Bertaut think same kinds of things going to other groups could help, better than fliers. People’s classes, using hooks.

Grino grew up catholic, family’s semi-conservative, still have my beliefs and know several communities (cal-aggie host) very accepting of sexuality, pastor Greg and pastor of other one (met them) and very nice people members of LGBT community, maybe we should try to collaborate on something with them and try to create an alliance to have someone from their group talk to people in religious communities and try to think of some plan to educate these groups.

Rosas-Romero this was something done during pride week, great to collaborate with LGBTRC to do that. Last quarter gender neutral facilities resolution passed. Could you please tell me your thoughts on this resolution and if you’d like to help follow up on these efforts?

Bertaut in DHC they did something with this, think that’s very good because lot of people feel out of place or don’t have a bathroom. Accepting safe place, think it’s good to promote that and help spread a safe area for all people.

Garcia supporter of gender neutral just because in most recent years I feel that it’s never been an issue of male/female and other, think it would be great and hope everyone is within comfort zone when they use them. We don’t want to alienate anyone.

Sy it’s our duty as student body to keep our community safe, gender neutral provides a safe zone.

Grino I supported it, think it’d be a good idea to provide gender neutral community, especially for transgender community.

Thomas think way to bring everyone together in sense of doesn’t matter who you are, can use same restroom (place to be unified).


Amaha motion confirm any members/alternates of EPPC.

Bui just renewing my membership.

Benci-Woodward worked with Theresa long time, involved in environmental community here and in Sacramento.

Friedman what activities have you done in Sacramento?

Bui I work at state water board.

Deepak you have so much experience, what do you want to bring to EPPC? Earth day theme, etc.

Bui thinking university uses so much energy, thinking motion sensors for classrooms because many rooms lights left on all night. More efficiency with use of sensors.


Amaha motion ten minute recess.

Vice President Carnes please be back at 7:11.


Vice President Carnes called the meeting back to order at 7:11 pm.


Present: Carnes, Amaha, Deepak, Fluet, Frick, Friedman, Harris, Molnar, Peake, Rosas-Romero, Xie, Zamora, Markevich, Bianchi (B&F), Khan, Lay, Rivera, Cokely (GASC) Absent: Holloway, Savaree-Ruess, Ajlouny


Rivera, Lay, Bianchi, Cokely, Benci-Woodward, Khan, Markevich, Savaree-Ruess



Amaha motion to suspend orders of the day, move into presentations.


Katie Johnson, Capital Fellows Program Used to be AAC chair, Pete is my successor. I am a Senate Fellow, run through Sac State, get graduate credit, work for senator from Antioch. Work as legislation aide, full fledged member of staff. Do my own work, will have business cards, real job and real world experience. Deadline Feb 28, three letters of recc, 1 from professor, 1 from employer. Senate Fellows, Assembly Fellows, Executive Fellows, Judicial Fellows (placed all around state). Judicial courts all around. Executive put into administration offices all over, really exciting. Intense interview process, great experience. Rank offices, offices rank you, then you’re matched up. People always very happy with where they end up. Also need personal statement, applications. I’ll be at career fair feb 22 for last minute questions, etc.

Harris is it only open to graduating?

Johnson only open to people with bachelor’s by the time it starts (October). If you’re not a senior, recommend you apply next year or afterward. Also get involved on campus or in capital for the experience.

Peake you get grad school credit, do you have to be enrolled?

Johnson you get paid tuition for Sac State, enroll and you can even take free classes etc. Seminar component, very comprehensive, well trained. Tours of floor, meet important people, etc. Regular seminars to supplement the experience.

Khan can you work in another state office?

Johnson only with judicial, otherwise you’ll be in Sac. But if you work for an assembly person, can work in their district offices.

Deepak do you have a summer internship opportunities in the program, and what do you think is better CA or Virginia state govt?

Johnson CA, because I work here and know more. No summer internship programs, can find your own internship in the building a lot of people do that. Any questions, want help or advice, let me know. My email is [email protected] phone number there is 916-651-4007 and just ask for Katherine and they’ll transfer you to me.

Amaha motion to suspend orders of day and move back to unit director reports.


Burston City-County Affairs Upcoming housing affair, my attention change made to 2007 housing day budget that we weren’t aware of. Apt/housing [read statement] Actually working with creative media want to take the housing viewpoint once a booklet for rating complexes, complexes often wanted to sue over, want to have media setup logins for each complex so that they can get in and edit their own pages on the ASUCD website. Going to go to these offices to talk about setting up a username. Powerful thing, get them to buy into that. At the city-liaison commission Bob Erinson truly is kind of like an objective guy from how he was speaking, didn’t care about how bad anyone felt after he said what he did. Think that he actually willing to stir up whatever we bring to him, not trying to make everyone feel good but wanting to look at problem and call out people making mistakes or not following policies. Going to be available feb 20-22 and willing to meet with students large or small groups, maybe have it in griffin lounge, have a dialogue about how campus is feeling about police dept.; especially African grad student with multiple harassments going on, from Africa works in math/sci building had several occasions with discrepancies about putting his name on the TA’s list, going to have lunch inside math/sci building cafeteria. Bob Erinson going to be good guy, talk to him about that. Other important thing from this meeting, city council willing to meet with you all on april 12 for ASUCD-city council connection, not only for just straight communication but also talking to another student leader from UCLA and he said he actually gets money from his city council members to do programs and outreach on campus. I never even thought of that, think that that’s a very powerful thing for having events sponsored by the city, etc. Relationship can go beyond knowing each other. Other important thing is SIAP conference March 10, 11 when 200 others from UC’s (successful leaders at their campuses) for building unity between the UC’s. Want out of conference securing our money from the state, on first day going to learn how to lobby so hopefully can get people from Lobby corp to help us out, then second day inviting Senators and Assemblymen to talk to them about some of our UC-wide concerns.

Friedman during first part can you tell me if this is right: we increased housing fee for housing to participate, but we’re still in debt?

Burston according to final approved budget, calculating the amount we’re supposed to make is $136 per complex times sixty to give you back. Our unit creates revenue for other complexes. But we only charged one hundred dollars, so revenue not high enough.

Amaha motion resume orders of the day, move back into officer reports.


Amaha, Rosas-Romero, Fluet, Xie, Peake, Harris, Friedman, Zamora, Deepak, Frick

Media Board Representative: Xie Internet Networking Committee: Zamora


Amaha motion suspend orders of the day, move back into appointments and confirmations.


Amaha motion confirm any members/alternates of GASC.

Angelique Tarazi

Cokely extremely qualified, great ideas of projects to get involved with. Things we haven’t even started yet, things I want to steal and use as my own.

Harris what are your really cool ideas?

Tarazi one I’m most interested in is creating a forum with ECAC where people of different cultural backgrounds can talk about how gender and sexuality is viewed by these different cultures, etc. Would be interesting to hear. Second idea to have biggest question sex box ever, put it in MU and Silo maybe as way to kick of Generation Sex week and make an anonymous box where people can drop them off and at some point in the week get those questions answered so people can come in to hear their questions answered.

Peake in past few years GASC has put on some amazing events, what would you do to reach out to communities that wouldn’t normally attend?

Tarazi try to find something unique about some community and try to target that. Figure out why lack of attendance from certain communities, work to get leaders in those communities involved, etc.

Friedman how did you find out about the position and what got you interested?

Tarazi lots of history working with orgs in gender/sexuality, Avni Patel and I close friends, she matched me with this position. Very quickly happened.

Xie you could do a giant sign! You have such great ideas, what experiences can you talk about that led you to this position?

Tarazi in high school very active with community in school, Fazila Malik and I senior project to organize couple days have people come in and get anonymous questions answered in an open discussion. East Palo Alto, college tract, some other schools. After high school joined Team Pregnancy Coalition in San Mateo county, board member for that for two years. Basically if you don’t accept federal money for abstinence only education, need other source of funds. We helped raise those kinds of funds with events, letters, phone calls to older people, etc. How much young people really need this education.


Amaha motion five minute recess.

Vice President Carnes be back at 8:20.


Vice President Carnes called the meeting back to order at 8:20 pm.


Present: Carnes, Amaha, Frick, Friedman, Harris, Molnar, Peake, Rosas-Romero, Xie, Zamora, Markevich, Khan, Weinstein (IAC), Cokely (GASC) Late: Deepak, Frick Absent: Holloway, Savaree-Ruess, Ajlouny, Dardik


Amaha motion consider CA #21.

Author’s Comments

Friedman this bill will lower the threshold for initiating a ballot measure, recall, special election, etc. Currently 8%, this bill lowers number of signatures to 5%. This is 1,150 signatures, about 600 decrease. Wrote this with Laabs bill, thought 8 percent too high, so here I’m lowering it. Task of collecting so many signatures seems so difficult, by lowering it makes it easier for people wanting to get involved. Some arguments brought up like in IAC, wanted to say we’ve not had a ballot initiative in some time maybe because signature requirement so high. IAC doesn’t think a problem, I actually taking public policy class and today went over policy agenda. One aspect is political leadership, another aspect is if a crisis happens. We don’t always have to wait for a crisis to happen to make change, should look at what is best for our association. I think it’s easier to make it a little easier for this to happen. I don’t know that it ever has, some may consider superfluous, I wrote this because I thought it in best interest of association.

Carnes for Mike, any CalPIRG signup sheets please pass those in.

Commission Recommendation

Weinstein we voted to see this 5-4, one reason is that we wanted to promote democracy and get students more involved. Con is that choice voting was last recall, and had no problem getting it up. Last time someone threatened a recall the person just resigned.

Public Discussion

Peake looking at this, see a few things. Last time of recall, it succeeded. Is this necessary? No. Why is this eight percent? Lowering it makes recalls easier. I’m not against democracy, but I think students are not being forced to go through this process. We need to focus less on this, and work more with students to that they may work with us to improve processes. I think this is unnecessary and this will make it easier for students to refuse to work with the Senate.

Friedman I didn’t write this bill with any particular person in mind. My reasoning was that by lowering the number of signatures it is in a way a form of outreach, easier for people interested in circulating a petition. Petitions can get more people interested. This is to encourage people.

Peake I don’t think that reasoning makes sense to me. This says we don’t care do it on your own rather than work with us.

Powers to clearly convey my thought process: when I first saw this I had to think about what I knew. First argument historically no constitutional amendment on the ballot has ever failed in ASUCD. Besides senators, only thing ever on ballot. With that said, the idea of supporting any ballot measure or initiative need certain threshold of voters. Being elected you’re making a bond/pact between you and the voter. By having you on the ballot, that is being questioned. What would this achieve? If people are going to be questioning your integrity, there should be a reasonably high number required to doubt your integrity etc. I think 8% is high enough, and clearly non-election things on ballot get passed, so if names are on chopping block that should require a high number of signatures. I think eight is good and five is too low.

Fluet in IAC other night, heard a lot of arguments. Originally for, but now I realize recall is not something to be taken lightly. What we figured out is 1800 signatures difficult for shy/quiet people to get. For something like this, several committed people should be working on this. Democracy is about turnout, something so important press will be out etc. 1100 signatures can happen in less than a week for some people, this is a serious thing not to be taken lightly. Also we’ve never had a recall, this is a fake solution to a fake problem.

Ostrowski ballot measure something done to defy the commissions/senate the bill would usually go through. Something made by uninformed student, doesn’t involve intellectual knowledge of ASUCD nor its systems. Just requires a lot of friends, maybe some money, and maybe some organization. Doesn’t require knowing how ASUCD works, this will make it way to easy for the average Joe to say “let’s put something funny on the ballot.” Should be able to get a lot of people involved, maybe to get this passed the recall stuff should be removed. 1000 signatures way too easy, you could get those signatures quite easily with only a dozen people. UCB is smaller requires thousand signatures, we’re bigger should require more. Trust experience of four IAC members who did vote against it, including chair, and fail it.

Markevich speaking of other campuses, UCSB has rolling system based on number of petitions necessary for a recall is dependent upon the turnout in the previous election. So something like ten percent of how many people voted to get that person into office, somehow that option seems a lot sounder to me than just having some sound number. Hopefully we will be increasing our turnout, hopefully each voting session would require more signatures to get things on ballots. Allows higher standards for recalls, etc.

Ostrowski eight percent voter turnout has increased to thirteen, no reason now to lower threshold while voter turnout is actually increasing.

Xie with math I use my numbers 15 petition signatures an hour on quad, 60 in four hours for one person. Nine friends who care also (should get that many if you need to do petitions etc) then it would take you two days. In two days you can get 1840, it would be so easy-peazy. I really like eight percent, five percent is so easy for anyone who knows about grass-roots organizing. I do agree with Pete for safeguarding us, but maybe we could make some kind of minimum. I can only do simple math.

Markevich my reasoning is if it took ten people to get you in office, why would it take 2000 people to get you out?

Xie if so people are voting, recall could be a way to get way more people to vote. Like someone takes pants off in senate office.

Shannon this messes up legislative process, goes through these aspects, does this because we typically have better idea of how bills should work than average Joe. My opinion referendum last ditch effort of someone who can’t get something through senate they think is very important.

Powers I think we can learn a lot from other schools, in this case I don’t think that’s a great idea. Democracy is everyone having ability to vote, by some people not voting doesn’t mean they don’t care and by changing the number we’re excluding the people who didn’t vote. Ballot measure or recall should ask for the voice of everyone.

Shannon referendum should be powerful, in defiance of ASUCD because they don’t want to work through us for one reason or another. Making it too low could flood ballot with recalls and referendums just because it’s so easy to get on. And with rubber stamping of CA’s, could be messy.

Deepak took stats in high school, not sure how shaggy I am. Basically 10-14 percent students come out to vote, 100 percent is statistic anomaly. Proves that people don’t pay attention to ballot measures, or that they’re great and we should always pass them. With five percent compared to ten percent voting, this many people could just click yes because that’s the right answer. 8 percent would allow for some people to make up for that fact that so many people just say yes. I can’t support five percent.

Mikalonis obligation to speak on this because I voted in favor. Supported because I thought it would promote democracy. If this initiative helps increase voter turnout and awareness think it’s a good thing. Democracy is about people voting, representing the people, I thought this would help people get involved.

Xie how will this increase turnout?

Mikalonis I thought maybe something controversial put up because of this, recall maybe. Don’t waste your time on replying to me, go into senate discussion. I still support this bill, think eight was too high and five worked. Higher than one thousand, thank you.

Deepak I still disagree with you. Motion move into senate discussion.

Senate Discussion

Friedman I want to address few things: cool if you think this way, but what Dan brought up. How will this improve voter turnout? I can tell you how could this potentially improve involvement… lowering can encourage people to start initiating ballot measures, picture this could encourage three people that’s 3K signatures, rather than one person to only take 1800 signatures. IAC did recommend this when we were discussing.

Xie think we need to look at this realistically. Few people will know it reduced. In a couple years, when we collect petitions etc we aim for a number that is a lot. Number doesn’t really matter, we just want a lot. If you have in your mind you want to do this, the difference really is negligible. I think there are points in your theory that are flawed so I’m going to stick to eight percent unless something amazing happens in next few minutes. I hope it calls soon.

Friedman if I took out recall deal would it change your mind?

Peake last thing it would create more referendum. Is that good? Also to me getting eight percent would get more votes that five percent.

Friedman about eight percent, I’m saying in long run. I’m just calling to question. Call to question.

Peake objects—what’s been said has been said. Vote.

DO NOT PASS, 1-10-1, CA 21


Khan needs senator and chair for interviews Monday at 4.

Carnes going into closed session, opted to be open. Typically only elected officials may speak, witness or party. Because other people still in room, bylaws insinuate that only people originally here could talk. Legal aid suggested that Ostrowski have choice whether or not public may speak. This is another area of bylaw ambiguity. Typically we don’t allow public to talk, would you like to take a vote to allow public to talk or leave it the way it is?

Ostrowski members of public may speak.

Carnes needs 2/3 vote.

Peake motion suspend bylaw 904 subsection…

Carnes actually let’s wait until we’re in the closed session. To avoid court cases, suspending bylaws good for protection.

Zamora motion move into public discussion.


Friedman wanted to clarify with Bobby…

Lay about CA that just failed, talking about voter turnout really high compared to past. Watching Oprah show other day, MLK birthday about how much better it is for African Americans now but it was worse worse before. So we should still look for improvements. If we were to require a different number signatures, it should be more. I guarantee if you got more signatures, you’d get more people involved and more people voting. Maybe we might consider raising the standard even higher.

Cokely GASC working this weekend on preparing presentations to sororities. Saturday evening/afternoon, if you want to help contact me. Also senators and chairs who want to go to Western Regional LGBTQUI conference contact us by this Friday or we can’t guarantee you a spot in our car.

Benci-Woodward EPPC will be having interviews next week. T/R 12-3 and wed 2-4. If anyone wants to help me on that I’ll love you.

Carnes if possible let’s assign this right now.

Harris, Cokely, Deepak, Khan

Mikalonis about SHARE event, raised 10K last year with this event, support it! Hope everyone goes if they’re over 21. Second, sending email to all senators asking if you’re free from 12-1 on week of Feb 12-16 for event I’m speaking about last few weeks. If you’d like to speak for fifteen minute time block reading names everyone is welcome. I’ll send out an email and you can respond to help me get organized. Willing to adjust to personal schedules. DCD endorsement Feb 14, we’re all single so doesn’t matter, 6:30 pm all candidates confirmed with SGAO. Will give you more details later.

Markevich earlier to Power’s arguments about rolling signature requirement, thank you for the input. I really don’t see any kind of disenfranchisement going on. With that system would just provide some number, obviously anyone can still sign it. Way to have fair number to potentially get over eight percent and get higher as we get more turnout.

Powers wouldn’t literally be disenfranchising, more what it represents. For this kind of system should really include general populous not just the populous that votes.

Markevich strongly considering writing something along those lines.

Rosas-Romero motion for five minute break.

Carnes be back at 9:17 pm.


Vice President Carnes called the meeting back to order at 9:17.


Present: Carnes, Amaha, Deepak, Fluet, Frick, Friedman, Harris, Molnar, Peake, Rosas-Romero, Xie, Zamora, Markevich, Khan, Lay, Weinstein (IAC), Cokely (GASC) Absent: Holloway, Savaree-Ruess, Ajlouny, Dardik

Rosas-Romero motion move into closed session.

Molnar object—me and Peake want to do something.

Rosas-Romero withdraw.

Peake anyone who wants to join us, [recitation of pledge of allegiance].

Rosas-Romero motion to enter closed session.


Peake sorry I had to call this closed session tonight.. When Ostrowski was confirmed he dignity and honesty and then… [read statement].

Peake motion to withdraw Ostrowski from ASUCD External Affairs Commission.

Friedman objec— motion to suspend bylaw 904 section b first.

Carnes you actually should motion to suspend the bylaw.

Peake withdraws.

Carnes Mr. Ostrowski, do you still want to suspend by law?

Ostrowski assuming what I think it is then yes.

Carnes bylaw is suspended for the purposes of this closed session. Public has right to speak because bylaw was suspended. I’m giving 3 minutes and 2 deferments.

Molnar does anyone have the two emails that Ostrowski sent out? And can I hear Bobby’s story also.

Gray I received the email after the senate meeting the next morning and I didn’t plan on showing to anyone but I did. So here we are. I originally didn’t think the drama we are seeing now is necessary. But I feel my decision to disclose the email was good.

Molnar I think what you did was a good thing so I can hear Ostrowski’s side.

Peake [read statement from Senator Ajlouny].

Molnar majority or 2/3?

Carnes two-thirds vote will be required to remove him.

Paine question about text to the email because the senator is claiming the email was blackmail and these are serious allegations and if the public could know the text of the email.

Peake Mr. Ostrowski can read it himself (the email). I think that is the best thing. If you have a copy of the email I would like to have it.

Carnes no other copy of the second email.

Ostrowski I’d like to explain it for more than two minutes.

Carnes just read it for right now.

Ostrowski okay. [read email in question]

Peake explain what I got from that. Court cases are a pain. He is threatening him and it is clear that it is blackmail. I don’t’ think there is a lot of discussion needed and we should all vote on how we feel and I’d like to make a motion to dismiss Steven Ostrowski.

Harris objects— I’m wondering if there is anyone else who wants to speak.

Peake withdraws.

Ostrowski first I want to address George Ajlouny’s concern. He sent an email to all 12 emails and I sent it as well. If you have read it then you might understand what it is about. Geroge Ajlouny told me I have homework to do and I am not going to be there. He told me this twice in the vaguest of terms yesterday and the day before. And he did not tell me through facebook or aim why he was not gonna be there. I was not happy. I was not pleased that a senator was not gonna be at a meeting simply becasue of homework. I sent a message to him stating my displeasure to him. Facebook message outlined the fact that if he didn’t come the Aggie would be told why he was not at senate via private correspondence directly talking to Talia Kennedy or through public discussion. Irrelevant to that I would have done regardless of if he voted for me, yes, no. When senators not present it’s not fair. I wasn’t happy with that. Now that I understand his academic commitment I somewhat understand why he was not here. On the other hand this is a closed session I would have liked to have heard his statement, whether that was against me, I would like to have heard his opinion. Since that was the only knowledge I had.

Deepak to reform is taking the “i”s out with Michael Tucker. That’s what a recorder does. There’s a personal disclosure whether the court case will continue. If you are aware of what you are doing, blackmail. I don’t think anyone has a right to threaten George and I do believe, this is all speculation, threat to Senator is unacceptable; a threat is by no means acceptable.

Peake that was an excellent point. This is not done once but twice. He knows his actions are inappropriate. Quoting Ostrowski. That is blackmail that is a threat. It is inappropriate and an embarrassment for the association.

Ostrowski I’d like to say that regardless of what I have done George had already made up his mind it wouldn’t have helped me if I wasn’t here. As far as midterms and stuff, I don’t remember, I do remember the facebook conversations and email conversations and he was very dismissive of the issue. The Aggie is very articulate of telling people when a senator is late or when they are not here. I was very frustrated with the Aggie that he would not be here and there are 11 senators and not 12. Regardless of what he has done, I would not have been happy, I should have been able to go to the Aggie as a citizen and I do not believe his reason. Anyone can go to the Aggie and talk about their concerns. Ajlouny was being very…

Deepak I still think its inappropriate for you to say that its against the bylaws but no reason to go to the aggie and don’t put it in a threat format. And I do believe people who feel doubts about this you should take into consideration peoples feelings. So I strongly urge for anyone who has doubts to get their voices out.

Proctor my main question… What is the second email about? I would like to say if anyone wants to talk to me I sit right here at every meeting every minute.

Amaha I don’t think Ajlouny’s issue needs to be resolved. So let’s keep at the original email.

Ostrowski I appreciate you (aggie) being here, and I do tend to have conversations with the editor at 2 am in the morning, but I appreciate you being here. The email is a really bad way going about negotiating something. There is no way for me to have a middle ground. I either go on with it, or I drop it. There is nothing I can do to either continue or drop it. So when I say drop the court case, that is the positive that needs to be done. Again as a senate recorder myself, get these minutes done as quickly as possible, grammar errors, correct them. The minutes are something I fall back on. As far as threatening or blackmail, I have no intention of manipulating the minutes, being a recorder myself, and a lot of them are on Davis wiki where anyone who wants can edit them…

Deepak I do not think you had intention of manipulating them, well I have no idea and don’t want to speculate. The whole point of blackmail, basically you know what was going on. I hope you don’t think that we thought you were going to manipulate the minutes.

Ostrowski I really had no intention circulated around especially in the aggie. Worst possible scenario. I send emails all the time. It’s not meant to be public or blown out of proportion like this. Did I really think that Gray would agree to this? Reply back, no, reason. Someway get it done. This is not blackmail in anyway. This is trying to negotiate an end to a court case that is really hanging over me. Back on speakers list. And I just want to apologize to all you guys.

Molnar I’m one of those guys… Bobby can I ask you a question, do you think he should be fired?

Bobby I don’t really feel I am qualified to say what the appropriate reaction should be, it is your responsibility as your employer to make this decision and I too am just an employee of similar rank. However I’d like to take this opportunity to say that anyone is more than welcome to help me with the minutes and it will be signed and made public. Never on a secret basis.

Molnar crimes committed against them if they don’t want to really press charges, its hard to say if someone is guilty. I am not 100% sure. Economics…

Deepak I wanted to say, minutes considered a transparency in government, you yourself scolded me as a student, recorder you had Michael Lay help you. If you went through the right ways, it’s in your personal disclosure its not legit because you decided to make them private.

Molnar Powers do you think this is blackmail? Do you understand my reasoning? What do the bylaws say about blackmail?

Rosas-Romero just because someone doesn’t say something, it doesn’t mean that the other is not guilty. As an association we are supposed to be as transparent as possible and we need to make an effort to represent the students and clearly what has been done through this email. When we were trying to confirm Ostrowski there were issues. For example the idea of submitted to pieces of legislation that are directly contradictory. Behaviors like that… ASUCD reps need to work on behalf of the students and this is just one of other things as from the history that he may not be qualified to hold the position.

Deepak those are just additions. The main purpose is that no one in ASUCD should be allowed to blackmail. That being said, I know you know a lot about the bylaws. Some punishment is necessary although that does not mean you can never come to the association again but once you present yourself in a better manner.

Friedman I voted for Ostrowski during the confirmation. My first thought in terms of the email I didn’t see it as you could say so far as blackmail, I did see it as a form of negotiation. One point that I wanted to address is Steven is definitely representing a SPECIFIC type of community based on what I have seen. You are clearly not happy with his actions. You need to learn how to work better with people man (Ostrowski). Obviously the aggie wrote an editorial about this. There is obviously... I’ll stop.

Rosas-Romero blackmail is a form of negotiation. This is not an appropriate way of doing this.

Frick while its healthy for there to be someone keeping us in check, I think all of us at this table have a goal to get projects done, help students, and Ostrowski is slowing us down. To be honest with you, I don’t think Bobby had malicious intent. While yes it’s Steven’ right to do the stuff he was doing I don’t think its fostering the correct spirit of teamwork and correct service to students we were elected to do.

Peake we are managers and this is an employee. Not judicial, this is about whether the employee is working for the association. I don’t think anyone is changing their minds.

Shannon so basically picking up something I was old, reform the minutes, it was concerning to me. He was the recorder for IAC last year and he did a poor job, and he wanted to take the meetings minutes out of context. He wanted the Senate’s minutes performed himself and that was concerning to me. We gave him a vote of no confidence.

Frick I am concerned that this spirit of ultimatum that Steven has brought to ASUCD is not appropriate and it is slowing us down and giving us something we really don’t need to worry about.

Harris I think that one of my biggest concerns is that the reason Steven a chance. He does participate a lot on ASUCD, educates himself, and I respect that a lot. Now that we have given you (Steven) this opportunity... I’m not sure if it’s blackmail (the email), one thing I am sure is how we can communicate with each other is very significant, my concern to you why did you feel it was necessary to do it in this way. Instead of saying why?

Ostrowski when I went to SGAO to talk about Bobby they were thinking of firing him. I didn’t think that was necessary. If I went to SGAO and said I can do it I didn’t want it to be drama-ish. I didn’t think Bobby wanted that, I could have done it publicly so I did it secretly. So the better way would have been through SGAO and that sorta thing, but um, I just didn’t feel like I should have gone through that way. It was 3 a.m., I just wasn’t thinking clearly.

Harris question 2: did you discuss with Bobby alternatives to filing the court case? Did you have dialogue with Bobby before that?

Ostrowski the court cases were emailed to the justices during Christmas break. It took me a while to figure out that all three court cases were received and a week later I found out they were received, and that’s when I sent the email to him. I didn’t have a personal conversation with bobby except with SGAO people.

Harris the main issue here as Frick said, the importance of our decision is to build a community where we work well together, and I think you have a lot to contribute to ASUCD. Your method with going about the actions is the issue. All this would not have happened. And this is a major concern to an association with this size. I think that you should stay in ASUCD, just think about your method action before you do this, and then go about it, and I appreciate it, and I think everyone else wants it.

Carnes I was once a senate recorder. What they mean is, spelling, this person who got confirmed, reform the minutes, you need to be an employee of SGAO to rewrite the minutes. That doesn’t mean that we can’t have help but it has to be done in an orderly fashion. There were good reasons not to confirm me, I voted you in. You have a lot of interest in this, and I think you have a lot of potential and I do think you could be a good student leader because of your passion. I spoke with you and I told you.

I can’t prove your intent…

If you think it was appropriate and I trust the senate will make the right decision. I look forward to working with you in the future. Outlets…

Peake I think a lot has been said on the issue. Any other questions about anything?

Powers answer to Molnar: so Mike asked bylaw clause about blackmail. It’s kinda a professionalism thing. The court and judicial branches are really close to my heart. I have served on it. It is arguable whether this is blackmail. But it is a textbook definition of extortion. There are better ways to do this and better ways to respect the system. The courts are there for a reason and not for extortion.

Peake everything that has been said, has been so far. This employee cannot represent UC Davis. Motion to dismiss Ostrowski from EAC.

Zamora—object for Amaha to return.

Peake withdraw.

Zamora I mean yeah, I want to share the same sentiments as Genna, Harris, Frick, I really wanted to give you a chance, and there are some things that irked me about it. I wanted to give you a chance tonight, and you lost it.

Peake I’d like to make a motion to dismiss Steven Ostrowski from EAC.


Peake motion to move out of closed session.


Mikolonas I am not a member of the court, case #37 was officially dropped by the court. And that’s all.

Molnar I just want to apologize for putting Bobby on the spot, and he is a nice guy, and he’s a good guy. To let you know it’s facial hair February.

Carnes Rivera originally suggested that meetings be held at 6 pm. We could change the meeting time to 6:10. It would have been smarter to change it because you can’t take night classes. People have to run over here so I’m just gonna throw that out there, if everyone feels good about that, I know its not good to change the meeting time, but its only 10 minutes.

Molnar but can’t we do it at 6:05?

Carnes do we like 6:10?

Molnar will this stay forever?

Carnes we can change it back to 6, so 6:10 would just make it perfect since 6 is already great. So from now on, 6:10 every Thursday in the Mee Room.

Campus Coalition Meeting…

Unitrans meeting 12 PM Conference Room…

Executive Office meeting…

Deepak we have all started separating so if we all start drinking some Arnold Palmer. Iced tea and lemonade, of course nothing alcoholic. We can do it today, tomorrow.

Carnes thank you to Khan for taking over the minutes since Gray was witness to the closed session.

Regan—CALPIRG: Xie’s house…

Cokely carpool time…

Molnar ASUCD party tomorrow at Greg Russell’s house…

Deepak let’s stay after and I motion to adjourn.


Vice President Carnes adjourned the meeting at 10:11 pm.


Bobby Gray ASUCD Senate Recorder Gender and Sexuality Commission


Business and Finance Commission Chair Weekly Report: Irina Dardik Week of January 29 to February 2

This week’s activities:

- Held office hours. - Held weekly meeting, officially assigned audits to various commission members. - Unable to attend Senate meeting because I had a doctor’s appointment in my hometown (Walnut Creek)

I respectfully submit, Irina Dardik

Sarah Cokely Gender and Sexuality

Week January 26th – February 1st Confirmed the designs for the GASC T-shirts, if you want one come talk to me Had an interview for the Science and Engineering Committee Gave a brief interview with the Aggie regarding “The Female Orgasm” cleared up a lot of the misinformation they had regarding the event Approached by a Pan-Hellenic representative to have GASC to presentations to all the sororities regarding various forms of contraception, will start this Monday Did some preliminary planning for “freedom to marry day” February 14th, GASC will hopefully be sending some people to the courthouse to show support for those who try to get marriage licenses and others will be tabling that day “Ask me for a Condom Week” is also coming up so look for people wearing the shirts or buttons Interviewed some great applicants for commissioners and alternates

Respectfully Submitted,

Sarah Cokely