Davis Chinese Christian Church
536 Anderson Road
Room 204
Date and Time
Friday 7:30pm
Web site

Who We Are

Acacia is a ministry of Davis Chinese Christian Church (DCCC) located in Davis, California. We are evangelical in our beliefs and evangelistic in our behavior. We invite you to take some time and check out our site. It is our prayer that this site will be useful for you get to know us a little bit. In addition, we would like to invite you to fellowship with us; we would love to have you.

Acacia fellowship is a ministry of graduate students and young adults that meets regularly every week to study God's Word, to pray, and to fellowship with each other. We're from different walks of life, majors, and vocations that are united for one reason - Jesus Christ.

Come join us!

Core Values

Authentic, praying, loving community built on Jesus Christ. Committed to His mission, His church, His people, and the community. Authority of God's word and the importance living out and being transformed by God's word. Christ-centered leadership - leaders are God's servant and stewards, following example of Jesus Christ. Inclusiveness and diversity - We value a Christ-centered, spirit-led community that welcomes people regardless of cultural, ethnic, or racial background. Accountability and availability - we believe that Christ called us to be devoted and committed to one another, up-holding each other.

Small Groups

We have two small groups that meet during the week to study the word, spend time praying for each other, and breaking bread together - aka eating!! Our purpose for each small group is to provide a place for people to share with each other their walk with God. Through this, we learn to support, encourage and challenge each other in striving to grow more like our Saviour.