(530) 304-6919
Daniel Armstrong

Davis Tree Works is one of the local businesses offering tree services.


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2013-10-12 15:32:09   Daniel was recommended by JAGCO Roofing & Painting for removal of a tree that unfortunately grew in a bad location. He did an excellent job including stump grinding and was very reasonably priced. I was impressed enough to create this wiki page. Previously I had used Kiwi Tree prior to Don leaving for a cooler climate, but I'm very happy to have been referred to Daniel. —Dr.Baker

2013-12-25 18:03:22   I needed a tree in my backyard cut back from my house and one removed. Daniel came out next morning, gave me a very competitive estimate and did the work within a few days. He did a great job. I can easily recommend him. —VeronikaMonell