Describe Users/drpottsiv here.

No.... I don't think I will.


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2008-04-02 19:33:12   Welcome to the Wiki. —JasonAller

2010-06-21 14:09:43   alright, well, I'm having a little trouble finding out how to make a separate page - I am also a little impatient, so maybe I'll take another look later.

But I want to start a page for the World Cup in Davis. I know of only two places I can view the World Cup: The Graduate and 3rd and U cafe.

I have heard rumors that I can watch the world cup at Tacos and Beer and El Mariachi Taqueria. I have not yet confirmed these.

So what do you say (anyone who may be reading this) - should Davis Wiki have a World Cup page? I say "yes!" —drpottsiv

2010-06-21 14:10:11   Also, thank you Jason for the Welcome. —drpottsiv

2010-07-02 16:32:46   Did you see World Cup? I was right there with you on needing better info about where to watch.

A lot of the listed places are pretty spotty, actually, and have few fans watching but Little Prague is not a bad choice. Usually not as many people as The Grad but depending on who you're cheering for, that can sometimes be a good thing :-) —JoRo