Crab apples (Malus spp.) — also known as crab, flowering crab and wild apple — are related to common table apples but have not been selected for eating. The fruit tends to be much smaller and less sweet with sour and astringent flavors predominating. Some trees produce very agreeable fruit.

The fruit is high in pectin and can be used alone or as an adjunct in jams and jellies.

Their complex flavors can favorably contribute to sweet and hard ciders that tend to be a bit dull when made from dessert apples.

Crab apples could make a particularly potent medicinal vinegar due to high levels of polyphenols.

Birds and squirrels will enjoy the fruit through the late fall and winter.


Crab apples are widely planted for their Spring ornamental value.

In addition to their decorative value, crab apples are also known to keep away mice, spiders and other household insects when displayed in the home.

  • 42.95319°N, 85.627757°W,Sweet, good-sized fruitwarning.pngLatitude and longitude must be given only once, and with valid coordinates. Latitude and longitude must be given only once, and with valid coordinates. Latitude and longitude must be given only once, and with valid coordinates.

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