33 Helen Street Address: 68 Helen Street

Old Address: 33 Helen Street

Other names: Riley Cottage

Year built: c. 1908 (Sanborn Maps)

Other information: According to the 1916 TB Directory, the Riley Cottage, run by a Mrs. Riley, had room for ten patients, had four cure porches and charged $10-18 per week.

In 1946, singer and dancer Rosita Ríos, a performer from the El Chico Nightclub in New York City, bought the house with her husband as a "summer home." ("Home Town Jottings" Guild News, May 1946, P. 12.)

From the NRHP form: A two-story Foursquare of wood frame construction with a hipped roof and exposed rafter tails. Building exhibits an enclosed one-story porch across the principal elevation with stone column bases, and a narrow open porch on eastern elevation. Paired 6/1 windows upstairs, 6-by-6 vertical sliding windows on porch. Wood clapboard on first story with wood shingles above; wood windows, mostly 6/1; asphalt roof.

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