65 Algonquin Avenue Behind 65 Algonquin Avenue

Old Address: 65 Algonquin Avenue

New Address: 36 Algonquin Avenue

Other names: Fred M. Rice House, Shop, Cabin

Year built: Before 1915

During the winters, while Mrs. Rice was alive, Martha Reben stayed in the little cabin which is now behind the Fred M. Rice home at 65 Algonquin Avenue. There is indication that it may originally have been behind the home of Kittie Rice, Fred's sister, at 72 Algonquin Avenue. (This information is based on a note of a conversation with Francis "Red" Stearns many years ago, and Phil Gallos, Blue Form for 65 Algonquin Avenue).

"Martha [Reben] lived with Fred and Kate [Rice] in the boatshop behind their house (which Fred built) at 65 Algonquin Avenue 1931 to 1938 when they lost it to the bank after re-financing. In an attempt to keep the house they rented it out during the Depression. They were always in precarious financial circumstances." Betsy Tisdale, letter, April 1, 2003.

Listed in the Disinfection Records of the Health Department, 8/27/1929.

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