

Married: Florence M. Mills


Frederick Altemus


New York Times, June 30, 1925

Miss Mills to Wed Tomorrow.

The marriage of Miss Florence M. Mills, daughter of Harrlngton Mills of Washington. D. C., and Saranac lnn to Frederick E. Altemus of "Washington will take place tomorrow morning in Union Chapel. Upper Saranac, N. Y. Mr. Altemus is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Altemus of Washington. Miss Eleanor Mills, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor and the best man will be Lieutenant Joseph F- Battlev. U. S. A. Bishop James D. Conroy of Ogdensburg will perform the ceremony.


New York Times, August 13, 1946

Saranac Inn Is Sold

SARANAC LAKE, N. Y., Aug. 12 (AP)—Sale of Saranac Inn to a group headed by A. S. Kirkeby of Chicago and Frederick E. Altemus of Washington, D. C, was disclosed today by an officer of Saranac Inn Corporation, present owners. The spokesman identified Mr. Kirkeby as owner of the SherryNetherland and Hampshire House in New York City, and the Blackstone in Chicago. Mr. Altemus is a son-in-law of Harrington Mills, owner of the inn when it was established a half century ago.

