Senn Cottage

Address: 72 Helen Street

Old Address: 35 Helen Street

Other names:

Year built:  c. 1898

Cure evidence: SLA1935, TBSBC, USC1925. Until the early years of the new century, this house still sported a "Senn Cottage" sign on the front porch wall. It was inconspicuous, as it had been painted white.

From the NRHP form:  A two story, cross-gabled dwelling of wood frame construction erected above an irregular footprint. It has an enclosed one-story wraparound porch on north and west elevations with a mix of 4, 6 and 8-pane vertical sliding windows, and an additional cure porch on second story of the west elevation.  Aluminum siding and wood windows, mostly 1/1; corrugated and stamped metal roofing.

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