Monday (September 22, 1930)

Dear Ceil,

Received the letter with the pictures James is very cute. Why didn’t you take some of Jackie? The baby is very big now isn’t she.

I am enclosing a picture of myself and I know I look awful, but the light was awful too.

My Doctor was in to see me Sat. He didn’t have much to say. I now weigh 171 – lbs, I gain a little every week; but my cough is still very bad and the sputum about the same.

I told McCabe to answer any letters from the C.W. (child welfare) Did you hear from them yet? Let me know in your next letter.

Have you heard from Loretta recently? Is she the one who wrote the poison pen letter to you?

You are doing pretty good in the telephone company now. Things are very bad you know, & I guess you can’t do much better for a while.

Al Calligan’s grandmother died the other day. She was quite old about 80 - I guess. He was out of town and arrived ½ hour late for the funeral. Tough.

So the O’Connor’s are down to stringing beads eh! My how the wealthy have fallen. Maybe they can make as much that way anyhow.

I am scribbling this because I want you to get it tomorrow.

Write back and let me know how everything is.

As ever, Jack