Swift and Company, from Mills Avenue

Address: 24 Mills Avenue

Old Address: 15 Mills Avenue

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Other information: Swift brought in meat from the mid west in refrigerated box cars from the early 1900s through the 1960s. It employed four full-time butchers cutting meat for the groceries, hotels, restaurants, cure cottages and sanatoria, and it kept four trucks busy delivering its meat.

One of their meat cutters was Drum and Bugle Corps leader Francis L. Stearns. Bill Hanks was manager in 1962. Walter Stahl worked at Swift and Company for 30 years. (See Civilian Conservation Corps.)

Source: Recollections of Bob McKillip.

Essex County Republican, June 17, 1938


—Wm. Gillespie who is a college student in Alfred University, arrived home Saturday. He has accepted a position with Swift & Co. at Saranac Lake for the summer.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, August 30, 1952

Swift Tops S.L. News In Four Innings, 8 - 5

In the challenge ball game played last night between the Swift & Co. nine and the Saranac Lake News combine, the meat packers took the decision by a count of 8-5 in the four innings of play. The win by the Swifties gives them the right to meet the Grand Union Unioners who defeated the A & P Supermarketers Sunday afternoon, 7-0, in a game played for the benefit of the Chiefs' fund.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, March 23, 1954


Swift and Co.. whose Saranac Lake plant is at 15 Mills ave., has been granted permission by the Village Board to construct an addition at the rear of its present building that will be used as a meat cooler. It is estimated that the improvement will cost $14,000.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, July 6, 1956Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 16, 1957

Jim Lamy, salesman for Swift & Co.'s Saranac Lake plant, has been elected Vice President and will be quartered in Chicago.


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