#social Many issues in Delaware's prison health system remain unaddressed GEOG203

Despite years of recommendations focusing on problems in the Delaware Department of Correction's healthcare system, a report issued Thursday by the state's largest private healthcare provider found that many have not been addressed.

Take a recommendation from the Pew Charitable Trusts in 2017 that found Delaware "was one of 26% of states that did not report having a quality monitoring system and was among 17% of states that reported that vendor contracts did not include quality metrics," according to the report released Thursday by ChristianaCare. Those same findings are still present in today's prison system – an issue reflected in the mounting number of lawsuits filed each month by Delaware prisoners against both the DOC and its contracted health provider, Connections Community Support Programs.


Parra, E. (2019, December 5). Many issues in Delaware's prison health system remain unaddressed, report says. Retrieved from https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2019/12/05/many-issues-delawares-prison-health-system-remain-unaddressed-report-says/2617446001/.