In the last 26 hours 10 people from Franklin County, Ohio have died from overdoses. The majority of these deaths are fentanyl related, and it is believed that many of them happened due to mixing fentanyl with either cocaine or meth. Ohio has been dealing with an opioid problem for a while now, but it isn't alone, it is estimated that in 2017 alone 1.7 million Americans suffer from opioid related substance abuse disorders. I added this to our timeline because we've discussed a lot in class, and through watching Oxyana about the struggles of addiction and frequent deaths in West Virginia due to opioid addiction, and I thought this article about another rust belt state struggling with addiction would be a fitting addition. 


Pain Scale - 10/10 



CNN Wire. “10 People Died of Overdoses within 26 Hours in One Ohio County.” fox8.Com, 30 Sept. 2019,