What do you know about America Experiences More Pain Than Other Countries?  There are three leading reasons, that are causing people to believe that the US experiences more pain than any other country. Obesity, too many painkillers, and it's "all in our heads" (low education levels causing people to be unhappy. Another potential cause of Americans’ reporting of pain is the worry that something must be wrong. Arthur Barsky, a Harvard psychiatry professor who researches hypochondria, says "it’s uniquely American to think all sorts of aches and pains are treatable, rather than just being part of life. The thinking seems to be, “if we can transplant hearts, and do fetal surgeries, we ought to be able to cure those migraine headaches!”  https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/12/america-experiences-more-pain-than-other-countries/548822/