What do you know about Climate Change Hunger Strike?

Climate change opponents are planning a hunger strike in order to attract Nancy Pelosi's attention. The group of climate change activists have been trying to meet with the Speaker of the House for a number of months in an effort to force the government to implement stricter greenhouse gas emission regulations. By organizing a hunger strike, these individuals will deliver a serious and urgent message to show legislators how serious they are about reform demands. 

Recently, climate change and global warming concerns have been making headlines across the country but the government, in these protestors' opinions, hasn't done much to combat the problem. In refusing to eat and creating a public spectacle of themselves, these people are essentially performing an act of martyrdom as their beliefs are so strong and emotionally-charged. The hope of their efforts is change and attention. 

I think that this upcoming strike is an important and relevant example of pain because it shows that when individuals are dedicated about a given issue or injustice, they are willing to inflict pain on themselves in order to make a point. 


Source: https://ijr.com/protesters-vow-hunger-strike-climate-change/