What do you know about Glasgow, Scotland's Drug Epidemic?

Every day, there are three drug related Deaths in Scotland. "Recent data from National Records for Scotland show that in 2018, 1,187 drug-related deaths were recorded in the country" (Sky News). Scotland is becoming the leading country in drug related deaths in Europe. Glasgow is under development and being gentrified, which is resulting in more drug users. The poverty level is high and the new development of Glasgow is fueling a drug epidemic. Another cause of this drug epidemic is early trauma in children's lives. Sky news reports an interview with a drug user's childhood consisting of his "mother being a heavy drinker, she would drink two bottles of vodka a day...My step father was a b****, he used to come into my bedroom every morning and batter me stupid, then walk out and lock the door. He had a padlock on my door and I couldn't get out." This drug users step father would board up his windows so he can't see outside, and this isolation and abuse led to the drug user to wet his bed. Eventually, he began to use heroin every day at the age of 34, which shows how social status and upbringing can affect people for the rest of their lives. 

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