Deliberate self-inflicted burn rates in Iran are among the highest in the world, which is with up to 71% of committed suicides conducted via self-immolation in some regions. However, some self-immolation actually helps in the development of effective interventions. Demographic information revealed that 27% of suicide cases in Iran were via self-immolation with a mean age of 29. The self-immolation rate was higher in rural areas and in provinces that border the country in geographic aspect. Provinces that were involved more intensively in postwar problems feature higher rates of self-immolation.

In Iran, unemployment was a risk factor for self-immolation, while mental disorders and lack of access to health and treatment facilities did not play an important role in increasing the rate of self-immolation. Some studies demonstrate that self-immolation is a significant public health problem in some parts of Iran.


level scale of pain (7)