A few months ago the Mental Health Association of Maryland held a workshop with the National Institute of Mental Health based on suicide prevention. Recent research has shown how suicides may be able to be prevented using screenings. This research has proven that the ASQ toolkit is an essential part of the screening process to identify patients who are more likely to commit suicide. This workshop was attended by about 100 people who work in the health field and may deal with suicidal patients. Allowing these individuals to hear about the research that has been done regarding these screenings will allow them to have more insight on identifying suicidal patients. This is related to psychological pain because it involves psychological screening in order to prevent suicides in individuals who may be struggling with mental health issues.

Source: https://www.mhamd.org/news/mhamd-and-nimh-workshop-takes-a-look-at-the-latest-research-on-suicide/

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