In Washington DC, schools were surveyed and it was found that more than half of the schools with the harshest dress codes have a majority black student population and target clothing mostly worn by females, such as leggings or tank tops. Many black hairstyles are viewed as unprofessional in the schools and black students are targeted much more often than their counterpart white students in violating dress code. I placed this event on the map as it represents racism in the current world, and how these acts of racism can affect students' sense of identity, encourage feelings of difference, and exemplify an example of moral panic related to dress or presentation in schools. This location is more #social because it reflects current societal stereotypes and discrimination against blacks. The level of pain would be about a 6 as there is no extreme or long-lasting pain, though it certainly creates a racist environment and would negatively affect the feelings of black students in school. #GEOG203 #social

