In July 2018, a Trinidad family returning home to New Jersey through Delaware following a beach vacation were hit head on by a pickup truck on State Route 1 in Delaware. The father and all four daughters were killed. Only the mother and truck driver survived. The truck driver crossed the median and hit the family driving in the opposite lanes. The driver has now been charged with multiple counts of second-degree vehicular homicide by a grand jury. In Delaware, second-degree vehicular homicide carries a penalty of zero to eight years in prison. 

This is more about the Biological aspect of pain, simply because of the physical pain inflicted by the crash. The criminal investigators haven't released what they believe caused the truck driver to drive across the median. This also involves psychological pain, as the mother lost all five members of her immediate family and must now deal with extensive grief and survivor's guilt. The driver himself may also face psychological distress over killing those five people. Its quite possible that the driver was impaired somehow, although its not clear how. This relates more to the psychological module because of the amount of psychological harm caused by grief, guilt, and regret. Grief is something that most people just don't talk about or know how to express. It seems that our culture particularly is grief-adverse, meaning we tend to be uncomfortable with grief and we want to quickly move on. #GEOG203