What do you know about Steve Irwin's Death?

He died on September 4th, 2006 at Batt Reef while shooting for a series called Deadliest Catch. A stingray barb stabbed him in the heart and he died. The public outcry was unexpected because no one knew how popular he was until people from around the world were mourning his death. This connects to our lectures because it shows the grief that people go through over others and it shows globalization because his death was mourned by people around the world. This is a social issue because of globalization and it is a psychological issue because of the mourning in relation to his death. I would rate this a 7/10 because of the outcry his death had and because he was such a well known person who died early.

Citation: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13576270601089663?journalCode=cmrt20