What do you know about Strokes?

Dr. Jonathan Raser-Schramm, a neurologist and stroke specialist for Christiana Care, disposed of the myth that strokes are uncommon for middle aged people.

He says that it is common, but it is more likely as we get older.

A 52-year-old man died of a stroke in California and a Syracuse sophomore guard for the men's basketball team attested to having a stroke (considering how young he was)

An acronym promoted by the American Stroke Association, known as F.A.S.T., helps to educate everyone to the warning signs for an impending stroke.

This is related to the biological aspect of Cultural Geography because strokes are a health issue that can be cause by genetic and/or environmental factors.  This is a biological way of feeling "pain."





Review Article

Depression, Strokes and Dementia: New Biological Insights into an Unfortunate Pathway