This article can relate to the modules speaking of psychological geography because the shooter in this massacre is claimed to be unstable mentally. CNN claims that Pagourtzis did not come across to his classmates as one who would shoot up a school. Only one incident provides a case that could have led him to bring a gun to school. The source states, "Sadie Baze, whose daughter Shana Fisher was killed in the attack, said she suspects Pagourtzis allegedly targeted Shana after she had rejected his advances for months. A week before the shooting, Shana stood up to him in class to proclaim she would not go out with him." His current defense attorney stated that he is too unstable to attend a trial and it was decided that he will go to a treatment facility for 120-180 days before being reevaluated for a trial. This pain for both the families of those killed and for the killer, in my opinion, is very close to a 10 because not only is there mental pain, but very serious physical pain as well. 

#psycho #GEOG203