This article investigates the effect of parental alienation on children within a family unit. Parental alienation occurs when one parent attempts to damage the relationship between their child and the other parent. The research concluded that parental alienation can cause an "enmeshed identity", where the child acts as a messenger for the parent doing the alienating, often times acting out against the alienated parent. Most importantly, the research noted that 60% of respondents said that parental alienation activities resulted in negative impacts on their relationships with their children.

This map relates to our course because it highlights another aspect of Adverse Childhood Experiences that may lead to later trauma in life once the child becomes an adult. This location relates to both the #psychological and #social aspect of pain, as it can negatively affect the children as individuals as well as their relationships with their parents. It can also relate to our course in that it may be a social cause of isolation or loneliness if the parental alienation thereby leads a child to feel alienated from one or both parents as well. On a scale of 1-10 of pain, I would rate this a 5 because at face value seems only to harm the parties involved, but can lead to many more consequences for the child later in life.