Name: Otto Casanova
Position: Green Party candidate
For the Green Party platform
Notoriety: currently contesting to become the Member of Parliament in the federal riding of Mississauga-Streetsville Federal Riding in the October 14, 2008 General Election.
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Responses to Wikisauga Election Questions
1. What will you do for Mississauga? Press to increase funding for 'Green" Infrastructure (walking, cycling, public transportation, arts, parks, etc). Create a new pool of long term funding through Municipal Registred Retirement Savings Bonds; Allocate one cent of the GST on a per capita basis; Increase the Gas Tax Transfer to 5 cents a litre; Make transit passes tax deductible.
2. How will you support improving healthcare in Mississauga? Ensure we keep a Universal Publicly Funded Health Care System; Improve our acute care and chronic care systems; Reduce the cost of Pharmacare; Achieve better health through prevention.
3. As our local econonmy is changing what are your ideas on bringing more jobs to Mississauga? There are tens of thousands of jobs waiting to happen as we shift towards a low carbon economy. Jobs in Mississauga will be created by retrofitting homes and business to become more energy efficient; Promote and fund innovation in the renewable energy sector (eg. electric and hybrid cars, wind, solar, geothermal, conservation, efficiency, etc); implement a national railway strategy; build efficient housing and public transit in high density nodes corridors
4. If elected how will you work to protect our environment? Contrary to Mr. Harper's spin and rethoric, the Green Carbon Tax shift presents the largest single opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases while helping Canada shift towards a low carbon and competitive economy. We have the best policies on everything else from eliminating dangerous toxins, to protecting our national parks and our drinkable water. Please look at our platform.
5. How will you work to improve the existing infrastructure in Mississauga? Stated above