Wiknic 2013 Sunday, June 23rd · 12:34pm Lake Merritt: grassy area south of Children's Fairyland and near the gazebo (bandstand) Theme: Hyperlocal list-making
Join all kinds of wiki enthusiasts, Oakland Wikiers, Wikipedians and beyond, for this year's Wiknic 2013!
The Wiknic is a global annual tradition put on by Wikipedia volunteers to bring together volunteers who live near each other so that they can meet. This year, things are spicing up as Wikipedians and Oakland Wikiers will be co-organizing the event. Get ready for a crosspollination of ideas and interests! We all have a lot in common, and this year's event will be the perfect start to getting acquainted and start collaborating!
Meet in the red area above the gazebo.
- Nearest BART: 19th Street
- Nearest bus lines: NL/12/72
- Street parking abounds
- biking is free and fun!
- Approx lat/long: 37.80768, -122.26013