Josie de la Cruz Park is a Park located at 1637 Fruitvale Avenue. Josie de la Cruz houses the Carmen Flores Recreation Center.
Phone: (510) 238-PARK
This park was originally called Elizabeth B. Sanborn Park, for the person who owned the land. 1,2
In the 1980s the park was going through tough times: gangs, drug dealers, and homeless people began hanging out at the park, even in the day time. Many families and children avoided the park.
In the late 1990s the park was rebuilt and renamed. A new recreation center was built along with a soccer field, basket ball courts and an area for children to play. Now Josie De La Cruz Park is filled with children and families and people playing ball once again.
Josie De La Cruz was born in West Oakland she moved to Fruitvale due to the destruction of West Oakland during the 1950s and 60s. She became a local activist and did a lot of community work in the Fruitvale District.
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Links and References
- Officials In Clash Over Park Sites Oakland Tribune July 15, 1925
- photo Oakland Tribune October 12, 1951