Measure AA or the "Alameda County Healthcare Services Tax Healthcare Safety Net Reauthorization" is on the June 2014 Ballot for Alameda County. According to the Alameda County website it reads:
Without increasing the existing half-cent sales and use tax for essential health services, to provide trauma and emergency medical services and primary, preventative healthcare for local residents including indigent, low-income and uninsured children, families and seniors, to prevent closure of county clinics and hospitals and to recruit/retain highly qualified nurses and healthcare professionals, shall Alameda County extend the essential healthcare services measure until June 2034 with annual fiscal oversight/review?"
66.7% is needed to pass.
Bryan Parker, Oakland mayoral candidate, has been appearing in ads for Measure AA and has contributed to the campaign for the reauthorization. He gave $20,000 to a committee called" Bryan Parker for a Safer & More Equitable Oakland Ballot Measure Committee Supporting Measure AA."