1955 2

A. J. Snyder Block #1 was designed by Clinton Day in 1876, and is located at 491-497 - 9th Street, at Washington.


Near the turn of the century The LaSalle was tenanted by the Bercovich Cigar Company (known as “The Popular Cigar Palace”), real estate offices, and a saloon on the Ninth Street side. Three other buildings from the same period were situated beside The LaSalle along the Washington Street side; unfortunately, these structures were demolished before the restoration of Old Oakland began, thus disrupting the stylistic flow of this grand architecture. But the stripping of many coats of battleship-gray paint from The LaSalle in 1983 revealed the most astonishing, intricately patterned brickwork. 1

On November 9, 1982 the LaSalle Hotel was designated an Oakland Landmark, under Zoning Case #LM 82-265.

1896 Illustrated Directoryibid


491-497 - 9th Street, Oakland, California

Links and References

  1. Old Oakland: LaSalle Hotel
  2. ohrphoto.dpoa7.013 Oakland History Center, Oakland Public Library