- Join a GREEN TEAM and get work saving the planet. You have things you want to do. You have skills. Maybe you’re looking for work. The problem is getting the word out, finding people that need what you do. Suppose you want work painting. You’ve tried websites, business cards, flyers. A three-line ad in the paper costs a fortune.
If you drop off flyers at houses, perhaps 1 out of 100 people will be interested. Of those, 1 in 5 may go further and hire you. But if your flyer also offers house cleaning, that doubles the odds of success. A group of people offering a full range of services increases your success because they’re also looking for work for you.
Ten people working as a team can offer everything. Yard care, repairs, errands, computer help and more. Write up everything you can do with numbers to call, like a mini phone directory. Now people have someone to call. What we’re creating here is a permanent pool of work for kids and youth. Make work for yourself. Try different types of work. Set your own schedule. Fill in for each other. Market what you and the whole team can do. [We’re not just jamming for ideas here. We’ve worked in businesses like Student Pro Painters and adapt their business model.]
If you are a homeowner, you can imagine getting together with 10 other homeowner to make it economical to hire one person to tend all sorts of chores and work around each house. You can imagine seniors also doing this, to hire one personal support worker. This is adults creating work for youth. But if you are a youth, you can make a support plan and then your task is to find and gather enough seniors to support you. Here, we’ve taken that plan seriously, because so many seniors are in trouble. Sometimes you just need someone to show up and help. Here, we have GREEN TEAMS reaching out to seniors in need with a Seniors Life Defense Plan. You’re gathering seniors together and finding work at the same time. Work that often leads to other work.
As an individual in a green team, you might offer “Take-a-Look” Car Repair. Because you know almost everything that goes wrong with a car is fairly obvious and often easily fixed with a few simple tools. Or you may want to try dishwasher repairs.
If you’re more into the social side, you might gather seniors as groups of friends and cook dinner for them, honing and showcasing your catering and chef skills.
You might offer Food & Flowers Green Gardens, with design services, seeds and seedlings, all ready for spring. You might offer summer lawn & garden care. Together with your friends, you’re a GREEN TEAM. Care for people that saves the planet.
To form a local Green Team and create summer work, click the Edit button and add your name here. This is about connecting with others to get stuff done, running things yourself. Details are on the Trenton News website http://web.ncf.ca/en369. For now, the main contact person is David Teertstra.