If you would like to participate in forming an argument for supporting the ballfield, create an account on the wiki (upper right hand corner) and then come back to this page and click on "edit" next to the title. You can add  to the arguments below and then click "save changes" at the bottom of the page. Your work will be saved.



The Reno City Council should support the Reno Aces and the ballfield by signing an agreement with the owners. 

The city has already committed a huge amount of resources to developing the ballpark and the surrounding neighborhood.  To abandon that at this point would seem short-sighted. While it is true that payment for the park places a continued hardship on keeping city salaries down, that is not sufficient reason to let the ballpark go. In the long-term the ballpark is an important element of downtown revitalization and it can be an engine for growth.  We should not let this opportunity slip away.


If you think the City Council should NOT sign the agreement, please explain your reasons on the "No on the ballfield" page. Please do not alter the arguments of this "yes" on the Aces page. If we experience problems on this page, it will be restricted to only users who agree to debate politely.