This list of Twitter users in Richmond is a great way to connect with other locals. Many local Twitterers have their own blogs or are representatives of Richmond-based businesses.
Twitter Overview
Twitter is a real-time messaging system that allows users to broadcast messages to others that have chosen to "follow", or subscribe to, that user's messages. A single message, or "tweet" can only contain up to 140 characters. @MelAtPoeMuseum History and happenings at the Edgar Allan Poe Museum
Follow @RichmondWiki
Follow @RichmondWiki for site updates and helpful wiki tips. Follow @RVAWiki to track the RSS feed of Recent Changes (auto-generated).
How to Add Your Twitter Handle
- Click the "edit" button at the top of this article or to the right of the section you want to add to. The edit window will appear.
- Copy an existing entry and change the relevant information, or
- Type *[ @YOUR_HANDLE] - And a short (140-character or less) bio or description. Replace "YOUR_HANDLE" with your Twitter username.
- Click the "Save page" button below the edit window. Done! Now go get yourself a badge for your blog or website, or tweet that you just listed yourself.
0 - 9
- @2bnb_rva - To The Bottom and Back! - The Fun, Safe & FREE way to Experience Richmond, VA - Serving the neighborhoods of Carytown, The Fan/VCU, Shockoe Slip & The Bottom
A - E
- @AaronRoth - Aaron Roth - Headed to central America to learn more about Microfinance.
- @aaronrusz - Aaron Rusz - Marketing operations professional located in the Richmond, VA metro area
- @againer - Adam Gainer - PR coordinator at The Daily Planet.
- @AMomentInTime - A Moment In Time: Bringing History To Life!
- @anthonycaprara - Anthony Caprara - Realtor with Virginia Properties
- @apuritz - Aaron Puritz - I've spent my whole life trying to fix things that aren't broken.
- @beatnikgal - Kirsten McKinney - graphic/web designer specializing in nonprofits and education; fiber and genealogy hobbiest. See also
- @bedtimestories - Entrepreneurial tips and inspiration from Dave Ingram. Also blogs at Bedtime Stories.
- @bkmcae - Ben Martin - Realtor association provocateur. Cig city resident. 80's rock & BBQ aficionado. Making tweets since Mar. 2007.
- @bloodlakeva - Blood Lake Haunted House.
- @bluelemons - Shane Hepler
- @bobbyEaves - Bobby Eaves - Design like your going to die, because some day you are. Run, discover, explore something new everytime you have the chance.
- @brandywine - Brandy Harman. Social media enthusiast and Mechanicsville native.
- @briankaupa - Brian Kaupa. IT Manager / Technology Geek.
- @brickworkz - Brian Korte, Lego artist. Tech/design/ad geek. Entrepreneur. My LEGO parts are tax deductible. That's how I roll. Pictures on
- @Brent_H - Local higher education web designer; instructional technology grad student.
- @bugpaste - Eddi. Wearer of many hats, most of them silly. Knitter & freelance writer/editor for hire. Runs @vafreeclinics
- @busse - Developer of websites and databases for nonprofits all over, working frequently with the DotNetNuke CMS.
- @CarMaxCares - Official Twitter account of The CarMax Foundation.
- @CarMax - CarMax Official Twitter Account.
- @CBS6 - WTVR-TV - The leading source for local and breaking news in Richmond and Central Virginia.
- @childreninc - Children, Incorporated - We provide long-range basic needs assistance to underprivileged children here in the United States and in 24 other countries around the world. We are based here in Richmond.
- @ChrisLeone - Internet marketer, drummer, editor of Loves to travel, teach, and learn.
- @ChuckSt8er - Chuck Staudenmaier - Brand/social marketing veteran, dad, woodland geek. #1 Tweeter in Montpelier, VA!
- @chpn - Voice of the Church Hill People's News blog.
- @chpnphotos - Photos from the Church Hill flickr group.
- @CityWikiCenter - a center-wiki for city wikis worldwide
- @cjjohnsonjr - CJ Johnson, Screenwriter and Actor.
- @clp1917 - The Hodges Partnership, New Media/PR, special interest in local wine and beer
- @copelandcasati - Richmond media and marketing company. Always social, always green, since 1999. Learn more at
- @crrysstall - mommy.wifey.artist.designer. owner of crystal j. silk
- @danaynay - Richmond's semi-leading source of asinine babble regarding peanut butter, coffee and self-inflicted embarrassment
- @dbrowell - New media devourer, PhD, generational specialist, music/comic/game consumer
- @diamondcenter Psyhedelic Electrified Folk/Rock band based in RVA
- @distanlo_feeds - News feeds followed by Jeff DiStanlo
- @djeneen - Dawn Anderson - All around crafty chick, founder of the Richmond Craft Mafia.
- @dmlaenker - Daniel M. Laenker - Urban Studies and Geography student at VCU. Also somewhat daft, nerdy and queer.
- @dougmeacham - IBMer, Mktg Blogger at NextUp, Customer Experience Junkie, Retail Technology Consultant, Rockstar-Wannabe.
- @der5er - Greg Epps. Father, Family guy, blogger, runner.
- @dvbii - David vanBlaricom II. President/Owner of V4|Web. Web + Design Masher.
- @dwestjr - President of ASocialMediaChampion4U - Social Media Strategist, Webmaster, Reporter for Examiner - Richmond Social Media Examiner
- @edwardbbaldwin - Edward B. Baldwin - Writer, Ambidextrous Brain for Hire
- @Eoghann - John Linthicum - Mac/Windows IT Consultant : Husband of 1 Beautiful Wife : Father of 3 Beautiful Girls : Guardian of 5 Ideals : Richmond Native
- @ellwoodthompson - Ellwood Thompson's - Local Organic Market that is all about Real. Honest. Food. + Farmers + Community
- @erinrwhite - Erin White - Web Applications Developer Librarian at VCU Libraries
F - J
- @firstfridaysrva - First Fridays Richmond
- @Flack4RIC - Richmond International Airport - Now You're Going Places from One of America's Most Convenient Airports.
- @fochsenhirt - Fred Ochsenhirt - lawyer, husband, father, geek. The order depends on the day. Today feels geeky.
- @FrameNation - Frame Nation - Richmond's Mod Custom Framing Boutique with what's next in picture framing. In the river district.
- @FrancesKahn - High end women's boutique with locations throughout Virginia; offering fashion advice to anyone on the web.
- @FullScale - Full Scale Architecture - Green building architecture practice in Richmond.
- @gayrva -, web magazine for Richmond's gay community.
- @GetClean - Jennifer Pius - The Coleman Institute, Advanced Center for Addiction Treatment.
- @GetFamous - Carl Beckelheimer - Website developer, promoter, and all around geek.
- @GreenModernKits - Green Modern Kits - Modern, affordable, passive solar house kits.
- @grumpytechs - User: Where's the 'any' key? Me: Next to the 'i-d-10-t' key. Submit a funny IT story of your own on our website.
- @gatewood5000 - Chris Gatewood - Lawyer of intellectual property, new media, and entertainment, with the firm of Hirschler Fleischer.
- @gleapsite - Clint Titsworth - Computer Engineer, Web Developer, Electronic instrument creation, dance party aficionado
- @hauntsrichmond - Haunts of Richmond Ghost Tour.
- @hookah_catering - we bring hookahs to your party in Richmond area!
- @heartpine - Americas largest supply of Antique Heart Pine and Reclaimed Lumber right here in #RVA
- @HussiTheDog - @korym's pup! My mom's site.
- @heywren - Wren Lanier - web designer, trouble-maker, and bagel connessiur
- @iknowtiffany - Tiffany Glass Ferreira - Real Small Art League Founder
- @inRichonline - - Richmond's source for news, entertainment, opinion and so much more
- @jamiepinkham - senior developer at mobelux. home of the tumblr iphone app. among other things
- @jasonkenney - Jason Kenney - News and political junkie, social media connoisseur, guy. Blogger at J's Notes.
- @jefsmack - Jeff Smack, Art Director at Madison Main.
- @jephkelley - public relations consultant, journalist, writer of Tobacco Avenue.
- @jeremy6d - mutualist web developer, activist, and musician
- @JimmysRVA - Jimmy's Deli in the West End
- @jimrobb44 - Web Manager, Environmental Coordinator, St. Catherine's School
- @jmblya - Law school graduate. Patriot. Breakdancer.
- @jmlumpkin - Jon Lumpkin - Mac Geek, .net developer, richmonder. Blogger at Jon's Blog.
- @jmurden - John Murden - community blogger, teacher.
- @jonathan_meola - Jonathan Meola - enterprise content management architect, opinionated news & politics addict, and English Bulldog enthusiast.
- @JSargGSA - J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Gay-Straight Alliance.
K - O
- @KennyTweets
- @kishau - web application developer tweeting about everything new, cool and useful on the web.
- @KnownHuman - writer, web designer, adventurer? Damn right.
- @korym - Dad, incl. @HussiTheDog. @URSCS student at @urichmond. Academic IT guy. Geocacher.
- @KunzRealEstate - Richmond REALTOR®, Keller Williams Realty. ABR, GRI, ACRE, Notary Public. Always Ready to Help You Buy/Sell!
- @L8enough - blogs at Late Enough, Writer, MD, Mom, Poet, Philosopher, Awesome
- @lalamax - Campbell Maxey - art director + designer.
- @madisonandmain - Madison+Main - Richmond, Virginia-based marketing firm that offers full range of creative marketing solutions. Tweets by @svteph .
- @madmain - Dave Saunders - wit, wisdom & really bad jokes from the self-proclaimed King of New Media. President/Chief Idea Officer at Madison Main.
- @marfdrat - Frank Reid - ECM Consultant at Ironworks Consulting, husband, father, performer, observer of the Glen Allen and Short Pump scene, and sometime blogger
- @markjordan - husband, father, pastor, writer, ping-pong grand master, lion chaser.
- @MaryFramer - founder & CFO (Chief Framing Officer) Master Framer, MCPF + GCF of Frame Nation. Oh so arty too! loves creating by reusing and making music.
- @MelAtPoeMuseum - History and happenings at the Poe Museum
- @milstonconsult - Milston Consulting, LLC Services for Groups who are changing the world
- @mlewis106 - Mike Lewis - Born in the Northern Neck via Virginia Beach. Living in North Richmond/Parham. Blogger, podcaster, foodie wannabe
- @msballoonlady - Owner of Balloons and Things! Retail and Delivery balloon service located in Richmond, Virginia. 3302 Williamsburg Road - Call 804-201-054 - Specializing in Latex & Mylar Balloons.
- @mwalters - Matt Walters, Senior Web Developer focused in PHP/WordPress development
- @NBC12- WWBT-TV NBC12, Central Virginia's number one news station
- @nineonethree (Todd Soren): [currently speechless]
- @Nolde_Condos - Nolde Condos, Downtown Richmond condo complex, the renovated Nolde Bakery in Church Hill
- @nutcap - Follows the Richmond Flying Squirrels
P - T
- @paulspicer- Paul Spicer. Social Media Editor for Grid Magazine, Richmond columnist, freelance writer, principal at Compleo.
- @pharroutrva - Website design, development, and hosting firm.
- @positiveviberva - Community Conversation w/ Garth & Staff from the Positive Vibe Foundation, Positive Vibe Cafe & Positive Vibe Express.
- @radicalrichmond - - instant updates for activist strategizing in Richmond
- @RandolphMacon - Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia.
- @RConnelly - Professionally offering snark thru a corporate filter
- @richmondbread - Meade Skelton, Local Americana Singer
- @richmonddotcom -
- @richmondjobnet - Hot Richmond area job leads, career news and inspiration. Served fresh daily.
- @richmondmag - (website) Editor Susan Winiecki for Richmond magazine, your neighbor in the know
- @richmondkickers - Richmond Kickers Pro Soccer
- @RichmondWiki - Site updates and news about
- @rickwhittington - Web site design, development and marketing professional
- @RIRInsider - Richmond International Raceway, America’s Premier Short Track, offers great NASCAR night racing for the BEST fans in motorsports. Richie (RD^) tweets here
- @robbmajor - Graphic Designer at Charles Ryan Associates. I like design, root beer, music, tea, Apple, photography, gadgets, advertising, movies and dinosaurs.
- @ruszmktg - Rusz Marketing, Inc. - Legal and professional services marketing firm located in the Richmond, Virginia metro area
- @rvabusiness - Nathan Hughes, Bandazian & Holden - Commercial Realtor, Business Broker, & Property Manager, blogger at
- @RVAfashionista - Lindsay S. - RVA native, financial planning industry newbie, fashion/beauty/life blogger, and a bit of a spaz at times...
- @RVAGreenDrinks - Green Drinks announcements for RVA Green Drinks
- @RVAFS - Unofficial news and info on the Richmond Flying Squirrels and Eastern League Baseball.
- @RVAjazz - An umbrella for jazz, improvisational and experimental music in Richmond, Virginia.
- @RVAMAG - Award-winning local art / culture / opinion magazine. RVAMAG
- @RVaMike - Technology, Broadcasting, DC/VAB/Richmond. @RVaWx contributor.
- @RVANews - Richmond news, events, food, entertainment, and oh so much more.
- @RVaWx - Weather forecast, current conditions & rain alerts for the Richmond, Va. area. Alerting you to ALL area NWS watches and warnings, as they are issued from AKQ.
- @ryanobles- Ryan Nobles, NBC12 Anchor/Reporter, writes Decision Virginia political blog
- @sarahmilston - Sarah Milston - part time stay at home mom, part time nonprofit consultant
- @scottmillerinva - Musician, technologist, and fan of the River City and everyone I share it with.
- @scottpharr - Husband, Daddy, Hokie, Lover of God, Lover of Coffee and Project Manager of PharrOut
- @SegwayRVA - Offering Segway tours, rentals, sales and service for the Richmond, VA metro area. Website.
- @seova- Virginia SEO - Information & tips regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Tweets by @strikerphil
- @settepizza - Fire roasted pizza restaurant w/ a large beverage selection Website.
- @ShellHarris - SEO Consultant and Business Owner at Big Oak
- @ShortPump - The Twitter supplement to, the most up-to-date news & event website for Richmond's Far West End.
- @SkyBlueCanvas - A lightweight tool for building small business web sites, created by Richmonder, Scott Lewis.
- @snagajob - Stefanie Fontanez - Copywriter at
- @southofthejames - Conaway Haskins - Blogger at South of the James
- @staticRVA - Social butterfly and bartender. Sarcastic and cynical. Good times for all!
- @stevemullen - President of Social Media PR firm EndGame Public Relations and Host of Startup BizCast, the Small Business Advice Podcast
- @strikerphil - Phill Condrey, President of strikefresh, a Full-Service Internet Marketing Firm specializing in SEO, SEM, Social Media and Website Design & Development
- @StyleWeekly - Richmond's alternative for news, arts, culture and opinion.
- @susanhcook - Susan Cook
- @tanyasperling - Tanya Sperling, William and Mary class of '09, Alum of BBYO, CKI, and Past President of Hillel. VCU Graduate Student
- @tashamckelvey - Tasha McKelvey, a ceramic artist in Richmond (website)
- @tedkopp - President of pcLearning4U - Computer Training for Every Age, and author of the Courseware Development Blog
- @Thalhimer - Full service commercial real estate in Virginia and beyond.
- @thebrowncoat - Father, husband, music lover, voracious reader (when I have the time), etc., etc.
- @thecheckoutgirl sassily tweeting the minutiae of retail, and life, in general. superfamous writer of The Checkout Girl blog.
- @thomasmcdonald Idea guy, design advocate, entrepreneurial spirit, social media enthusiast, lover of sports, music, games & food…
- @tkrehbiel - Veteran software developer, CoCo, Amiga, PHP, .NET
- @tmo12- Tara Morgan, NBC12 Anchor Reporter
- @tobaccoavenue - Official Twitter Account Page Posting Area Platform of Tobacco Avenue
- @torxmedia - Richmond-based marketing firm specializing in web design, web development, and online marketing. (website)
- @TrevorDickerson - A laid back guy living in RVA. Run the U of R help desk by day, build websites by night, and operate (@ShortPump) sometime in between.
- @triathlonmom - I swim, I bike, I run. I am a triathlete. I am a mom. Writes the TriathlonMom blog.
- @trippfenderson - Digital media pro, anthropologist, gardener, dad, husband, gamer and genius.
- @tree_top - Long time Richmond resident and Real Estate Agent with Virginia Properties.
U - Z
- @urichmond - University of Richmond
- @urichmondexeced - Executive Education, University of Richmond
- @va_beergeek - Help promote beer events, breweries and beer retails in Virginia. Virginia Craft Beer
- @vaceos - Scot McRoberts - Exec for association for CEOs of small and mid-sized businesses
- @vcuspoon - nice mix of outdoor exercise (cycling, running, rock climbing, etc..) fanatic combined with Uber Wine Geek
- @vafreeclinics - Official Twitter feed for Virginia Association of Free Clinics, supporting the health care safety net in Virginia.
- @valster50 - Valerie Parham - Owner E Street Marketing. 19 yr mktg pro. Excel in marketing strategy & branding for small biz. Volleyball enthusiast, Springsteen fan & beagle lover.
- @Vatenor Jeff Prillaman, tenor, social entrepreneur, Founder of Da Capo Institute, Blogs at Consistently Inconsistent
- @viatroybell - Troy Bell - Lucky husband, father of 3, air service recruiter, Richmond International Airport CCO, retired loosehead prop & native Buckeye.
- @vinceong Vince Ong, VCU Graduate Student (Computational chemistry/physics). Following local tweeps, tech-heads, and music lovers. Tweeting instead of smoking.
- @VPLC Official Twitter account of the Virginia Poverty Law Center.
- @walkmsrichmond - National MS Society, Central Virginia Chapter's Richmond Walk
- @WebStrategies - Internet marketing company in RVA specializing in web analytics, SEO, PPC, social media consulting and web design.
- @wgarth W Garth Callaghan, President of 127tech Blogs at Technology Musings
- @wheatsystems Experts in data/telecom convergence and unified communications Wheat Systems Integration
- @WillWeaverRVA - Will Weaver: Photographer and geek-of-all-trades (roads, weather, pharmacy...)
- @wmr11 Sweet Daddy Williams ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
- @worldwidebrian Brian from
- @wthomaswebb Words, Wine, Southern, Seafood. I love lots of things and meeting new people!
- @WxDan Dan Goff - Amateur meteorologist, parrothead and all-around geek. @RVaWx contributor.
Additional Lists
- Twitter stream for Richmond, VA
- Twitter Richmond