Location |
81 N 2nd St. San Jose, CA 95113 |
Notable Dates |
Built 1863, renamed 1980 |
Web Site |
http://www.trinitysj.org |
According to their web site:
"John W. Hammond, a sea captain and member of the parish, built the structure to his own design. A simple rectangle with a steeply hipped roof, it was constructed largely of redwood logged in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
In 1876, the church was cut in half and pulled apart by horse teams and the front was shifted to face North Second Street, increasing the building’s capacity two-fold. It was rebuilt in the form of a cross and features fine interior carpentry. A bell tower was added at this time, and in 1884, additions included the church rooms, the tower and spire."
In 1980 the name was changed from Trinity Episcopal Church to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
It is designated as a city historical landmark.
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California Historical Landmarks