Pioneer Square is one of Seattle's oldest neighborhoods. In the late 1800s Pioneer Square was all wood and lumber mills. In the Great Seattle Fire of 1889, the wood buildings were largely destroyed, replaced by stone and brick buildings, many of which still exist.
Those 19th century buildings now house coworking spaces, bars, tech companies, art galleries, and coffee shops.
Every first Thursday of the month Pioneer Square has an art walk that features art in galleries and other spaces throughout the neighborhood.
There's a significant population of people facing homelessness in Pioneer Square, and a number of shelters and other related services.
At 1st and Yesler you'll find a small plaza named Pioneer Square that's recognized as a park by the City of Seattle.
Blogs about Pioneer Square
People of Pioneer Square – A street photography blog with the goal of putting a face on the neighborhood.
220 & Blog – A blog about the building 220 & Change and the surrounding area.
Neighborhood associations
Farmers Market
There's a farmers market in Occidental Park on Wednesdays. It's one of the Pike Place Express Markets, and is open June 16 through October 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Historical sites in Pioneer Square
Learn about the Pioneer Square historic district from this resource about historic preservation in the city from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Check out this list of historical sites on the City of Seattle site.
Locations in Pioneer Square: