Our local interfaith panel is referred to as The God Squad.  The panel, consisting of Pastor Derrick McGhee, Pastor Bill Shiel, Rev. Dave Killeen, Rabbi Jack Romberg, and Rev. Betsy Ouellette meet monthly, and present a forum on the first Friday of the month, from September through April.  They pick current, interesting topics, and are not afraid to focus on issues that are controversial.  Each forum begins at noon, and lasts till 1 pm, allowing about 20 minutes for questions from the audience.  Locations vary, and can be checked by accessing the Village Square web-site.  There are guest panelists at each forum, and those can be noted on the web-site. They have included local Buddhists, Muslims, Humanists, and local experts on the topic under discussion.   Lunch can be purchased, by going, again to the web-site, or, bring your own.