Our city/county engage in many activities to celebrate the life of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  The events include a rally at the Old Capitol, service projects, a banquet.  Tallahassee is sponsoring many of the events and include a Day of Dialogue in the Ciity Commission's chambers.  This event is meant to encourage safe communication with others.  Better communication makes us stronger as indiviauals, but also strengthens our commuities.

There will be a citywide NAACP march and rally.  Starting from the C.K. Steele Plaza, named after one of our own local activists, that walks to the Old Capitol.  It is a fitting celebration of Dr. King's legacy.  He is quoted as saying at one point "We may not be able to sit next to each other on a bus, but we can walk together in peace, displaying non-violence".  A service day is always held at a local area/neighborhood.