There are Torontopedians that have edited the wiki...

Torontopedia has 'user pages' (currently simply a person's username) for users to have a page about themselves where to put information. For users that are a 'public figure' or public figures that are NOT users, it's generally good form to not edit your own page.

There is a Users section for wiki users, separate from the please-don't-edit-about-yourself 'public person' page. If you are a users, and a moderately public person, please put your "user" page as "User/WikiUserName", and leave the Your Name (With Spaces) page alone.

Public figures who are not registered members of the wiki have pages about them listed on the Torontonians page. Users of the wiki have their usernames auto-generated and listed here and can manually add their page to the Torontopedians page.

We don't have an official policy, but we will/do allow contributors to remove/close pages for people if they are not reasonably a 'public' figure (i.e., not in the news, no newspaper article on them, not the head of a community group, company, etc) if they are asked. For public figures, the page usually end up staying after a discussion.

Please use your user page as a place to post information about yourself (as much or as little as you want to share with us).