FAQ's about Trick or Treating in The Villa
1- Is this only for Villa Residents?
ALL are welcome!
2- Can we drive around?
Not really.... Very Slowly and on open roads yes. HOWEVER, please park cars at top of closed roads or friend's homes and walk to designated trick or treating roads closed off. Residents can get to their homes very slowly on closed roads as well. ALL SHOULD GO NO MORE THAN 5MPH, please.
3- How do you navigate the hills in the Villa with kids?
Parents have fun ways of getting kids to each closed to traffic street on pioneer wagons, "spook mobile", hey ride trucks, decked out minivans, 4 wheelers and more... BUT ONLY 5MPH and not on closed off areas please....
4- What streets are closed off for pedestrians only traffic?
Half of Del Monte and Sunet Dr, Belaire Ct, Deerfield Rd (only last part cul de sac is closed to cars at COVE), Evergreen Ln (south of Deerfeild)
5- We don't live accessibly in the Villa (or other), can we donate candy?
Yes, if you know anyone and want to help... just give them your bag(s), if not let me know and i can get you connected.
6- We are not familiar with streets, how will we know where to trick or treat?
We will place tables, with road closure signs and lanterns to mark closures.
7- What's the best route?
I recommend starting from bottom of The Villa at Deerfield Rd closure, to Belaire and Evergreen working your way up to Sunset and Del Monte or visa versa.
8- How long will it take to do the whole route?
Varies by age.... but on average, 1-2hrs
9- Will there be a route map?
Yes, you can download at this link Halloween Villa 2017.pdf ... but signs should guide you w/o one too
10- Why not Summit Woods?
The Villa is just another option on the Mnt that has made a revival over past 3 years or so... There is no reason to trick or treat at either or... go where you please. Summit Woods is AMAZING with many many kids (about 400-450 I hear)!! The Villa is usually less crowded but more spread out... whatever works for you.... do that. :)