Alyssa as the Sun @ J Street Garden Party

Let's see... some ways to get to know me:

Solar Community Housing Association

Sunwise Co-op, and formerly J Street Co-op as well as Pacifico Co-op

Davis Friends Meeting

UCD Geography Graduate Group

GLOBAL: geography club at UCD

Knights Landing

What else?????

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2007-05-03 14:15:16   i appreciate your comments on the May 1st page. —JessicaRockwell

2007-06-13 01:34:07   hey there!! long time no see. hope you're well. —JulieSetele

2008-03-18 13:11:06   Hi Alyssa, I'd share the room and the fees for AAG meeting in Boston. Do you have any info on who might have an extra space; or if any group of people want to collapse ang get another room? —NinaNoujdina

Sorry I didn't get back to you in time. —AlyssaNelson

2008-04-03 22:41:04   Why Knights Landing? (Sure, why not. But still... there's a story here, yes?) —DougWalter
