The Blessed John Paul II Catholic Newman Center serves the spiritual needs of Illinois State University, Heartland, and Illinois Wesleyan University students. It is located at 501 South Main Street in Normal, Il. It offers Sunday Mass at noon, and 7:30 and daily Mass on Tuesday at 12:05, Wednesday at 7:30 and Thursday and Friday at 5. Confession is offered half an hour before every Mass. Other services provided are Eucharistic Adoration, counseling services, spiritual direction, RCIA, Friday night fun nights, guest speakers, retreats, and many other services. The Newman Center also takes trips to various religious locations. In 2011 they took a group of students to World Youth Day in Madrid. Every year they take a group of students to Washington D.C. in January to protest abortion on the anniversary of Row v. Wade. The center is lead by Father Peter Zorjan and has 3 full time nuns that help run the center. The center underwent a major renovation and added on a new chapel, and welcome center in 2008 and opened in 2010. The renovation was needed after 40 years in a warehouse looking building and did not have a large enough chapel to accommodate the thousands of students that attend mass every Sunday.