This is a guide with tips, ideas, and strategies to help students have a successful college career at Heartland Community College. Transitioning from high school to college can be a big challenge for most students. Studies have shown that students have a hard time being successful when entering college because they are not used to the heavy workload, they don't manage their time wisely, or they don't utilize the resources schools have for them sometimes because they are not aware that they exist. Heartland Community College ( is a fully accredited college with about 5,300 students with an abundance of resources to help every student be successful no matter the career path they choose. The small campus makes students feel more comfortable and less intimidated. With these things as well as self-motivation and determination any student can have multiple successful semesters, not just at Heartland but at any college. 

Attend Classes Regularly-

  • Like other colleges and universities, most classes as Heartland have a first day attendance policy where if you don't attend the first day of class you could be dropped from the class.  Even after the first day attending your scheduled classes regularly is very important for obtaining a good grade in the class and making sure you're aware of everything that's going on so that completing assignments can be easier. Also, some classes have an attendance policy where only a certain number of days missed are excused before you are dropped form the class or before the attendance effects your overall grade. It has been said that students who have good attendance tend to do well and receive a passing grade which can also affect their GPA. Another benefit of attending Heartland is that class sizes are often way smaller than those of a four-year university which makes learning easier and makes professors more accessible for questions. Having smaller classes also helps create learning bonds between peers to start study and discussion groups. 

Time Management-

  • There are many things that factor in as distractions to your school work such as your social life, sports, really anything that isn't your work! It's okay to have a life outside of your studies but it's all about managing your time. Time management is one of the main reasons why students fall behind in school. There are just so many other things going on that you lose track of time or forget that an assignment is due or don't allow yourself enough time to study for a test, anything. It is a good idea to plan and write out a schedule that includes all activities that go on during the week including class time, time for homework, naps, time for studying, and free time for anything that you like to do in your spare time or is not planned that may occur. It is good to stick to this schedule and with time make it a routine so things don't become overwhelming or missed. Having about thirty minutes set aside everyday for homework is a very good idea even though the assignment may not be due the next day. It is always good to be ahead than to fall behind. Jeremye Johnson, a college student from Western Illinois who now attends Heartland, says that "getting accustomed to the college life and balancing all aspects of my life was the hardest. I think if I would have made a schedule or allowed time for certain things I could have been more successful than I was in my first year of college."  Although focusing on your studies is always a great idea its good that you keep a balance between your work and social life. Getting involved in activities or groups around campus is a great idea, you can also visit Heartland's gym to shoot a few hoops or take run. If you'd like to check out the things to do at the gym and the times of operation you can visit

Go To Tutoring-     

Students taking advantage of Heartland's tutoring services.

  • Along with attending classes regularly, you may want to visit the tutoring center in Heartland's library about twice a month. Although tutoring is always recommended it is not mandatory. Heartland's student tutoring services are located in the library of the student commons building. The center is open from 9am-8pm Monday-Thursday, 9am-1pm Friday, 4pm-8pm Sunday, and closed on Saturdays. Diamond Ridgeway, a sophomore student at Xavier University of Louisiana says that going to tutoring weekly has saved her almost every semester and that one should not be embarrassed about attending tutoring but more so proud that they are getting the extra help they need. Heartland's tutoring center offers helps in many subjects that you may need help in. Just drop by and talk to someone at the desk in the library or if you have more questions you can visit the tutoring page on Heartland's website. ( . Along with the tutoring center, Heartland has a writing center located in the Instructional Commons North building. Students can take their papers or outlines and have one of the trained writing staff look over their work, advise them on ways to enhance the writing or give ideas on how to start a paper. This is very useful because it is always better to have a second opinion on an assignment and have someone look over it before turning it in for grading. To find out more about tutoring, the writing center, or any other resources Heartland has for you to be successful check out the following web address.

Utilize Office Hours-

  • After attending class or while completing an assignment if you stumble across a question you may have or there's something you don't understand write it down and take it to your professor during their office hours. Office hours are times outside of class that you can visit your teacher, often without making an appointment, to ask questions or get clarity on anything that you are unsure of. Often times when teachers see you are taking advantage of office hours and trying your best they will be more inclined to help you succeed in the class. If the times that your professor have allotted don't fit into your schedule you can always email and ask if they'll be willing to meet at another time that fits both schedules. Also after leaving tutoring you may still have questions that couldn't be answered by the tutor so going right to your professor can help with this problem and help with completing assignments thoroughly and on time. 

Financial Aid-

  • Paying for college is one of the most important aspects of attending and being successful . Paying for college out of pocket is extremely expensive so it is important to apply for financial aid and stay on top of your financial aid requirements. If you can apply for FAFSA at ( ). Coursework and other happenings in life are already stressful so doing what you can to eliminate the stress of college costs can be huge relief. Sit down and figure out what will be the best financial option for you because everyone's financial situations are different. If you have a specific question about your Heartland financial aid you can visit the financial aid office on the first floor of the Community Commons building. 

Cost of attending Heartland VS Average community college at a constant increase. 

Tuition costs can change yearly due to enrollment, supplies needed and funding, and resources offered so plan ahead to be prepared for any changed that can occur with your college bill. Mentioned above is an article on how Heartland's tuition increased, why, and how it will affect paying students and their education. 

Meet With Adviser Regularly-

  • Just like meeting with your professor, meeting with your adviser is extremely important to keep track of your progress, to make educational plans, or just to talk about any concerns you may have with things going on throughout your semesters at Heartland. Your adviser can be something like your friend outside of class; they can help you find work opportunities or activities that can be fun or beneficial to you. Advisement provides academic advising, career advising, transfer information, and graduation preparation. You should get to know your adviser and plan to meet with them how often you'd like or think is necessary. It is recommended that you visit your adviser at least four times a semester but more is always great and welcomed. Advisement is located in the Community Commons Building  To find out who your adviser is and how to contact them visit the following webpage. ( )

Have a positive attitude and believe in yourself!-

  • The last and most important thing is to remain positive and have confidence in yourself. Even when taking the right steps everything will not always go as smooth as you would like  but you always have to remain calm and positive and take your time to figure out ways to make your time at Heartland work best for you. Don't get intimidated by others if you see them doing better than you or working faster, everyone learns at different rates. As long as you stick to your academic plan, remain focused, follow these necessary steps, and believe in yourself you will have many successful semesters at Heartland Community College.