See also Events Calendars and Regular Events
It's easy to remember how to get here: — come often!
Scroll to the bottom to find the events submission form and quick instructions. Note: you must have a user account to post.
This is a place to post events!
How to Use
Just enter text as you would into the wiki. For example, if you write about City Plaza you should use a link exactly as shown:
["City Plaza"] in your post becomes City Plaza
This makes it way easier for people to find out more information on the organization, etc. You can easily delete the event after posting it (if you make a mistake, etc).
To include an image you must link to the picture externally (meaning it has to be hosted on some other website). Then just paste in the URL of the image in brackets. So if the image is at you would put []. Feel free to include a flyer/other photo, but just be sure to type the information too! An example of a place to temporarily house images is (use the provided Direct code).
Include the start and end dates/times, the cost (or note if free), a link to further information. Post a week (or more) in advance, if possible. Events are assumed to be open to the public unless otherwise noted.