Logo by Thomas FummoThe group began at the suggestion of Jeff Padberg at a La Lucha Space All Community Meeting. He made the exciting announcement that some Conwegians were starting a LocalWiki. At the meeting a core group decided to begin meeting regularly to work on the Conway Wiki - it was Shawn, of La Lucha Space, who began announcing the gathering as the Guerrilla Archivists.
Meetings and Events
Meetings: People are encouraged to bring their laptops. To find out about when and where the group is hosting a meetup check out the Local Wiki Events page . La Lucha reliably tweets wiki events in Conway Follow them: La Lucha's twitter ...
Check the Events Board or come back and visit this page sometime soon.
Projects in the Works!
Conway Wiki - you're here!
Conway Guerillas!! I'm from a local wiki in Illinois. We heard about you when Philip Neustrom mentioned you in a talk he gave at an event we organized in April. Please excuse this temporary edit of your page while I try to get your attention. Our ranks include guerillas & archivists too! Let's communicate and go from there. fyi - Next April's event we hope to host a larger localwiki focus by meeting up with folks like you and others in Chicago. Peace!
Hey Wiki Illinois!! We noticed your post! Thanks so much for reaching out - it's awesome to see the nation wide community of wiki's emerge and so we're going to leave the post so our visitors can enjoy knowing a little bit of what's going on "behind the scenes" and maybe they'll come behind the curtain by dropping by a meetup - here or where ever they may be. Awesome to see that you are having an event December 1st - are you enjoying the #RaceForReuse ? See you on Facebook?