Davis Municipal Code Chapter 37

Street Trees and City Trees

37.02.040 Prohibited Acts.

It shall be unlawful for any person other than the Director to cut, prune, spray, brace, plant, move, remove, replace or damage any street tree or city tree or to cause the same to be done, except as authorized pursuant to this chapter. Acts prohibited by this Chapter include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a)Pruning a street tree or a city tree even if done to make room for a private tree or to clear branches overhanging private property.

(b)Knowingly causing or permitting any wire charge with electricity to come into contact with any street tree or city tree.

(c)Placing, applying, attaching or keeping attached any wire, rope, sign, nail, paint or other substance or structure to any street tree or city tree or to any guard or stake intended to protect such tree.

(d)Placing or maintaining any stone, pavement or other substance so that it substantially impedes the free access of water or air to the roots of any street tree.

(e)Cutting so many or so large a root(s) as to cause the street tree or city tree's health to decline or cause a safety hazard.

(f)Any other activity causing damage as defined in Section 37.01.020 of this code.

(g)Placing fencing around a street tree.

(h)Grading around the trunk or within the Tree Protection Zone of a street tree or city tree.

(i)Altering the landscaping or grade of the property including trenching, in a manner that could damage, or potentially and adversely affect the well being of a street tree or city tree.


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