Massage at The Bo Tree Yoga Studio
817 Fourth Street
(530) 304-4341
[email protected]
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The Bo Tree Website
Denise Groncki Dempsey, CMT, RM
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Therapeutic, Relaxation Massage and Reiki

Denise Dempsey, CMT, is offering therapeutic massage and Reiki at The Bo Tree Yoga Studio, 817 Fourth Street, downtown Davis. With an abundance of experience and skill, Denise specializes in both Reiki and massage for relaxation, rejuvenation and healing. Oriented towards relieving the pain and discomfort of muscle tension and old injuries, improving circulation, and reducing emotional and physical stress, massage helps the body detoxify by improving circulation and flushing the tissue of lactic acid and other metabolic waste. This can help shorten recovery time from muscular strain and injuries. It also can help improve lymphatic circulation leading to enhanced immunity and the body's ability to detox from environmental pollution.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for addressing stress and relaxation that simultaneously promotes healing using vital energy, often called prana or chi in other systems. Administered by the “laying on of hands," the Reiki practitioner facilitates restoration and clarity of its flow, promoting greater health and well-being on all levels. Denise Dempsey has been trained in classical Japanese Reiki to the degree of Reiki Master through the International House of Reiki.

$70 for one hour, $85 for 1.5 hours.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

This 8-week course teaches mindfulness meditation and yoga that is designed to help improve the physical and emotional well-being of people experiencing the negative effects of chronic stress. Based on the 30 year old program created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. (author of "Full Catastrophe Living") at the UMass Medical School, it was also featured on the Bill Moyers’ PBS documentary, “Healing and the Mind.”

Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating non-judgmental awareness in day-to-day life. Mindfulness develops the potential to experience each moment, no matter how difficult or intense, with serenity and clarity. Meditation can help you feel better, sleep better, increase your ability to cope with stressful situations, improve self-esteem and renew enthusiasm for life and work. One can feel more alive and joyful and gain immediate access to powerful inner resources for healing.

Free information sessions are offered regularly.

For further information, visit, call 530-304-4341, or email [email protected]

$360. 8 weeks of instruction, an all-day class retreat on a weekend, CDs for home practice, a workbook and free attendance at future class retreats.

About Denise Groncki Dempsey

Denise is a member of the Sutter Center for Integrative Health in Davis, CA. A co-founder and former director of the Davis Holistic Health Center, she studied under the direction of Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of the nationally acclaimed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program. She has attained the highest level of teacher traiing through the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. She has a degree from UC Davis in Human Development with a background in experiential education and completed a two year training in the Hakomi Method of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy. She is a Certified Massage Therapist and Reiki practitioner. She has been practicing yoga and meditation since she was 10 years old. She completed yoga teacher training through the Ashtanga Yoga Fellowship and has studied Vipassana meditation with various teachers.


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2010-01-26 09:09:47   I took her MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)class and it was excellent. This is something everyone should try. It is not just about stress reduction, I found that it taught me how to be more in touch with my body and surroundings. I was reluctant at first because I am rather sceptical about "new age" stuff, meditation and all that. The techniques used in the class are based on good science, and the way Denise teaches the class allows you to take what you want from it, and apply your personal beliefs and feelings. Highly recommended. —DagonJones