The Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP) is summer advising for EOP students. It is longer than regular summer advising, and students actually get to see more of the campus before their first year. Hence, they are not as likely to be the freshmen you see wandering around confused during late September.

The program offers:

  • Introduction to the university through the Student Academic Success Center staff
  • Summer courses in math, chemistry, physics, and/or writing to strengthen basic skills.
  • Extended advising opportunities.
  • Peer-guided tours of the university.
  • A chance to get used to living with a roommate before you have to do it "for real" when school starts.
  • Priority registration starting winter quarter of freshman year and ending winter quarter of sophomore year.
  • Meet some of the friends that you will have for the next 4 years at UC Davis.

The cost of the program is covered if you are receiving need-based financial aid. They prioritize students who are the first to go to college in their families and low-income students.


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2007-03-21 14:21:14   Not only do the learning skills center specialists teach summer courses in the above subjects. Students also attend problem solving sessions lead by STEP tutors (usually experienced Learning Skills center subject tutors) in problem solving sessions, to reinforce the concepts covered in class, in a friendly group work environment. —MattHh

2008-08-15 03:38:01   How is the admissions for this program computed? Is there a public criteria in order to get in? I was so disappointed when I was rejected from STEP. —ThanhVu

2008-08-15 12:11:58   They prioritize students who are the first to go to college in their families and low-income students. —JamesSchwab