Name: TakoyakiMonster

Phone Number: (530) 220-3455

Office: Osaka, Japan

Personality: I WANT TAKOYAKI!!!

I am on the search for a place that serves Takoyaki.

Anyone know of anywhere nearby?

Okonomiyaki is good, too!

The cookie monster photo is (I assume) copyrighted by PBS. This page doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me (though, I looked up with Takoyaki means — it's octopus balls, in case you were wondering). Delete?

call that phone number first. i mean, personally, i think this is an excellent user page —ct

I think it's arguable that it's a piece of art. Let's just leave it up. It has much coolness. —The Labster

Cookie Monster character (C) Sesame Workshop (is that good enough?)

"I understand there is a Japanese guy living in Davis who imported a takoyaki grill from Japan, but he's been fairly elusive so far— I can't find him. —allwheat"