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2010-05-28 04:22:47   Hi Jason, by your post on Ducks, its very clear that you feel strongly about them. Where's the policy that says the University doesn't care about ducks? —jsbmeb

2010-05-28 07:52:53   I would phrase it to say that ducks love bread... which is a horrible thing, as it leads to their death. Dogs also love anti-freeze and will contentedly lap it up, leading to their demise. The "love" is their reaction, which, in this case, leads to a rather horrible end result. Saying they hate bread implies they will ignore or avoid it if you toss some their way. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards

  • I agree. If the ducks hated bread, they wouldn't eat it. Ducks love bread like humans love fatty, sugary foods. In both cases, the foods we love are bad for us. —CovertProfessor

2011-06-01 06:19:05   Whoa. That comment I made was like a year ago almost exactly. So in response, we are essentially talking about the same thing? The arboretum is maintained by UCD and its on University property. The people who take care of it are employed by the UCD Grouds department and the UCD Arboretum is the non profit that takes care of admin end and donations, etc. —jsbmeb

2011-06-01 07:26:38   I'm not the individual who used the term "hate". More importantly, you've gone way overboard in hyper analyzing the language here. I just didn't want an overly simplistic wording that lead people to feed the ducks bread. The philosophical argument is neat, but for two things: one, I'm not the one who invoked the term "hate" (or, the implied "love"). Two, I only care about the practical wording of content on the wiki so that it conveys the correct overall meaning. Quite frankly, I think you would be horrified if we actually got into a discussion about animal motivations, but then, I have very little anthropomorphic projection upon our furry and feathered friends (I say that with a wink). But either of our views has very little to do with the practical wording of the content in question. —JabberWokky

2011-06-01 09:34:04   sorry, just one more thing I thought of... I also have never seen dead ducks. but if I did, it most likely would be because of predators or the fact that they walk in the roads. Most people, including me, slow down and have been known to wait for a long time sometimes for the ducks to get out of the road. I believe the university doesn't get involved in the duck issue is because they are considered wild and its the "natural" course of things that they die sometimes, especially whe theyreia more urban environment. As far as over population, I don't know about it and don't know why I'm responding more to this anyway, so i'll stop before i get ahead of myself. —jsbmeb

2011-06-01 09:39:43   I don't know why you're quibbling about this — you and I agree that the ducks shouldn't be given bread. It would be nice if we (ducks and humans) hated the things that were bad for us, but unfortunately, we don't. —CovertProfessor

2011-06-01 10:55:31   Hey Jason, I get your point but I agree with JW saying you're over-analyzing the word. Bread is bad for ducks, but the usage of the word 'hate' seems odd to me.

It's like saying that kids hate sugar and candy. They eat it due to instinct (humans evolved to crave sugar and fats), not love. Kids hate candy because (a) they can choke on it if they're young and die, (b) it affects their digestion and they get sick or sugar rushes, (c) it's unhealthy and it causes weight gain, as well as increasing risk of diabetes and later on heart problems, (d) it can affect their energy levels and make them more likely to lose at dodgeball.

You're giving reasons "why" they should hate it, and I think everyone agrees with you. Ducks shouldn't be given bread. Neither should kids be given tons of candy and soda from a young age (child obesity just continues on to worse things as they age...). However, I don't think "hate" is the appropriate word in the context it was being used. As JW said, the more important context is the practical wording that is commonly used in everyday discussion. I think most people, if you told them 'kids hate sugar and candy' would think you're crazy. If you said they generally crave it and go for it instinctively but it's bad for them and they shouldn't...closer to the mark. Not the best analogy of course, but just a quick comparison on word play.

This posting was not meant unkindly. —EdWins

2011-12-13 08:15:37   Ok...I would just like to say, I have no idea why you want to keep this going. I don't even know what your point is. It is and has been a dead issue for me. So this is the last response I will make about this. Have a great day :) —jsbmeb