The Yolo Mutual Housing Association is a nonprofit California corporation that develops and provides affordable housing in Yolo County. The Association started out as Davis Community Housing, and in 2008, it formally affiliated with Sacramento Mutual Housing Association and is often referred to as Sacramento l Yolo Mutual Housing Association, or the MHA. In 2011, the combined organization was housing over 2,600 residents in the two counties. In 2012, the organization changed it's name to Mutual Housing California.
MHC currently owns and operates four multifamily mutual housing communities in Davis: Tremont Green, Owendale Community, Twin Pines Apartments and Moore Village. In fall 2011, the organization will break ground on the new mutual housing community...New Harmony...69 wheelchair accessible apartments for families of modest incomes. New Harmony will be a green community, rated by Build it Green. MHC expects to break ground on "Mutual Housing at Spring Lake in Woodland" in 2012. This community will provide 100 homes for low wage families and agricultural workers.
MHC has an active membership, and each household living in the MHA has the right of membership. Members in good standing donate time each month to community service and community building activities, such as community gardening, participating in after-school programs, being active in the larger community, writing for the newsletter, serving on a resident council or committee, serving on the MHA board of directors, and producing community events. Each mutual housing community has a resident council which identifies common issues and concerns and develops strategies to meet those concerns. The council also brings in commity services, organizes events and classes, and oversees community building efforts with the support of a community organizer, an employee of the MHA.
MHC gives tours of its properties in both Davis and in Sacramento. The public may attend a tour by going to "their web site" or calling the main office at 888-453-8404 ext. 220. University students and retirees and other community members are encouraged to volunteer and take part in community service internships for college credits. Internships are available in community organizing, housing development, asset management, fundraising, promotions and outreach and other areas of the organization.
Donations to further the work of MHC, sponsor community events, and support future housing development can be made on the web page or by calling 888-453-8404 ext 220.