Some fixed gear riders at the MU Patio APEX Cycles, where DF'ers often go to purchase parts at discounted prices.

Around Davis
February 2007

Davisfixed is a community of local cyclists that have a shared interest in fixed gear bicycles. It began in the spring of 2007 as a small group of fixed gear cyclists who needed a way to communicate with each other about rides, bikes, and events. Out of such necessity, an internet forum was born (

The group has since grown into a much larger community of cyclists who enjoy bicycles of all types (not just fixed gears). The group is not a real "club", and there are no official "members." It is merely a bunch of people who enjoy bicycles, and hang out with others who have the same interests.

Rides and events are often arranged via the forum, and further information about the group can be found there.


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2012-01-31 08:40:08   Davis Fixed and APEX Cycles will be hosting an Alley Cat fundraiser For UNICEF on February 18th, 2012. "Cupid's Big Cog" will be a fun scavenger hunt that will start at APEX Cycles and continue thought out Davis. Raffle and race prizes will be are generously being donated by many local businesses. All bikes and riders welcome. —Aaron.Curtin